Thursday, February 28, 2002

Extreme self-loathing terminated.
Go back about your business.
Alcohol is the devil.
The only explanation I can find for anything is that I hate myself.

Whee, let's see how much more I can sabotage my entire life.

Anyone's welcome with me on Ganymede.
But you'd have to be fucking insane.

I hate women.
God, I am such a fucking woman.
I'm worried sick.
I'll trade everything I have for some stability.
Anyone have any they can offer?

Fuck all.

I am only a semi-internet-slut.
candice, you can't keep doing this.

don't do that, or i'll hurt you.


it tastes like death liquified.
my webpage looks

on netscape

but not as bad as blogger

and if they don't care
then i don't care

i'll fix it later

there is more drinking to do

at 9 am?


at 9am.

sometime i will go to bed.

odd how i can type so nicely without being able to feel my fingers.

did i mention that i've also had hm....
8+8+8 mg or codeine.
or something.
i feel nothing.
don't have windows media player anymore

or movie maker

or blah blah blah blah blah

got rid of all yer windows bs

98lite is my new best friend. even if i did use an illegal copy.

we all know that i'm 100% broke.
at least 99% broke.

and i'm drunk again.

go figure.

sean says he has money.
bah. some sugah daddy.
ain't got no job.
hah hah hah.

beck hurts me.

i can't feel my limbs.

it's fucking 9 am and i haven't gone to bed yet.
i hate my life.
i hate everything.
except for jesus.
or something.

wow, my teeth are fuzzy-like.

goddamn video post production better have dubbed my tape by now.
what's the holdup biatch?
it's the last last last minute as usual.
i hate myself.
but jesus loves me and such, so it'll all work out.

whoever was responsible for my past life
worked up some mighty good positive karma
that i probably don't deserve

but nevermind
i don't believe in any of that nonsense anyway
i just laugh at you all
i will do nothing
and it will all work out fine

i have confidence in this

my speakers fucking suck

what are you talking about sean


the drink in front of me is a very disturbing shade of bright pink

my computer is nice and clean

it makes me happier than i have ever been

or something

sean says i should be talking about him here

yes he's right. or something.

i guess i love him. i guess.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

yeah, my speakers fucking suck.
this hurts me.
this hurts me so.
the static is unbearable.

p.s. i'm going to fucking kill you, sean.

the end.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

reinstalled... everything
sure was fun, yeh

and then i UNinstalled IE, Outlook Express and Outlook

so there

soooooo therrrrre

Blogger looks like shite in Netscape.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Sean is Princess Jasmin.

I'd post something of value, but I have better things to do.
Okay, that's a lie.
But you're not getting anything useful out of me anyway.
Boo to you.

Thursday, February 21, 2002


Missed waking up in time for (something almost, but not quite entirely unlike) food again!


I don't see much of that wretched daystar anymore.

I don't see much of class anymore.

(Daystar, BTW, is a perfectly valid word for the sun. I could, apparently, also be referring to Venus, but as we know, there is no sky in Toronto, and therefore there is no freakin' chance of seeing the planet Venus, as you have to catch it when it's near the horizon. We all know that there is no horizon in Toronto...)

I suppose I'll be dining at Dominion again today.
Just keep me away from the Easter display.
My teeth hurt. Yow.

Well, either at Dominion or on coagulated, sweaty pizza.
Depends how much of a masochist I feel like today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002
For my own future reference:
Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep space
Chemtrails DataPage

Contrails and Chemtrails

blah blah blah
U.S. patent number 6315213

"A scientist from Wright Patterson Air Force Base acknowledges that planes are spraying barium salt, polymer fibers, aluminum oxide and other chemicals in the atmosphere to both modify the weather and for military communications purposes. The patent abstract specifically states: 'The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the cloud’s ability to rain.'"


Sunday, February 17, 2002

Thursday, February 14, 2002

i almost made the decision five minutes ago to switch to netscape, now that it seems to have some idea of what to do with the code it's given.
except that i'd forgotten how long it takes to load pages. why is that?
but internet explorer hurts me. i installed 6.0 (why would i do that? anything.0 is usually a stupid stupid stupid idea), and now the blogger right-click menu (among other things) won't work. grr.


i got back a little less than half an hour ago from my psychology test... there are twenty minutes left. remind me not to bother studying next time, because i am so tired. what a waste. at the most, i should have read the glossary. but nooo, i spent last night reading three whole chapters.


sean and i are disgusting pigslobs. a quick count of the empty nestea bottles visible from where i'm sitting got me up to fifteen. and i rather suspect that i must be missing more than a few. i don't want to talk about the condition of the floor. or how much complete garbage we've been eating lately. also pathetic: we must have spent a good 15 minutes in dominion at 4am last night deciding which fruit snacks to buy. how can we spend an hour buying candy and tostitos? even factoring in standing around reading entire magazines. if only i could devote this much energy to worrying about something important. like, uh... who am i fooling. nothing's important. ...apathetic bloody planet.


motivation, initiative, ambition... levels nearing 0%
almost noon. looks like bedtime to me. goodnight.

Monday, February 11, 2002

Back from weekend.
Wasn't as painful as expected,
but just as boring.

Now I've started the weekend off well.
By skipping both of today's classes.
Not getting up until 6pm.

Why can't I successfully get to bed before the sun comes up?
Other people have excuses.
Essays or something.
I'm just ridiculous.
Sleep too much.
Nice problem avoidance technique.
Stomachs hurting all over the place.

Should have picked up my print for design today.
But my laziness is a well known fact.
Heads will be rolling if they didn't do it properly this time,
because we all know I paid enough for it.
Kinda makes me wish I'd worked harder on it.
Um. Kinda sort of. Not really.

Still am not getting along with this whole schooool thing.
Ruins any interest I might have otherwise had in any of the course material.
Just like it ruined so many good books in high school.
Just because I had such crappy teachers.

Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, 1984, Brave New World...
All ruined.

Though... At least one half of those books had such crappy endings.
Especially Brave New World.

That is a movie I have not seen.
But I think that I might watch 1984
Nineteen Eighty Four
wait. Just how WAS the movie titled?
And I'm talking about the 1984 version.
I think they were different.
The book was all spelled-like.
The book was also better.
The movie really kind of sucks.
Kind of.
But since it makes me think of the book that doesn't suck
I like to watch it.

And sheesh.
I like to watch Logan's Run...

Maybe I'll just watch Fahrenheit 451.
Or maybe I'll shut up.
Or sleep some more.

What was I talking about?

I also might start writing in proper sentences.
And without all this enter-pushing all the time.
Konrad, are you reading this?
I blame you, sir.

Oh yeah.
Ruinous high school teachers.
Except for OAC,
but even Mrs. Dunsmore could not make me tolerate Hamlet.
Jeez, that guy's more depressing than me.
At least I occassionally stop whining.
And I usually at least make sure that I'm whining TO somebody.
Despite the fact that they don't usually listen to me.
I wonder why that is.

It would probably be embarrassing to be caught mid-monologue.

Sean says
"I love that you can have more verbal intercourse with your fucking computer."
Sweet of him, yes?
I believe that he wants me to get my ass off of here.
Perhaps I have someone that will listen to me rambling and whining afterall.
Wonder why he'd do that.
Probably reflects poorly on his intelligence, I rather suspect.
Probably not.
More likely reflects something about me.
Remind me that this reminds me about something I wanted to complain about several weeks ago in Production class.
Perhaps I'll just briefly complain about it now.

Is video a window or a mirror?


Goddamn it.

Video is video.

It is what it is.

Do we have to compare everything to something else in order to understand it?

Humbug and bah.

Candice hates metaphors and similes alike.
Despite her occassional usage of each.
Mmm, clichés.

Now indeed I shut the hell up.

Do you know?
My motto is Don't Panic?
Ha ha ha.


Saturday, February 09, 2002

I love Sean.
I love Sean.
My name is Candice.
I love Sean.
Going home
Don't know if I will be able to update this

Bringing Sean
The horror!

Friday, February 08, 2002

I don't want to use
I want

Stop redirecting me, fuckers.

I don't know why I care, but...

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Was considering making another list to complement my list of different kinds of mint.

Would have been a list of shades of black that eyeliner and mascara come in.

But I just don't have that kind of time.
In yet another clever move, Candice sleeps through psychology class, bringing the number of consecutively missed psychology classes to five, now outnumbering psychology classes actually attended (four). This also brings the total number of classes missed this week to four, while leaving the number of classes attended at two (though technically... cancelled classes don't count, even if I thought I was skipping it at the time), with a slight possibility of moving up to three, assuming that it will be possible tomorrow to get up for ten. I suppose I could still tie, except that a one hour class really doesn't match up to a three hour class. See, if you consider the hours spent in class this week... Which for your information, I WON'T, because dammit, just how bored do you think I am? Right. Well probably more bored than that, but not bored enough to do simple addition, because hell, it's just too too early.

Anyway, she's a smart one, that Candice.

Kindly excuse me.
Whilst I employ the psychology textbook as a head pummeling device.
The purpose of which will be to return myself to unconsciousness, thusly avoiding having to go pick up my print for design, and having to see how badly and pixellated it turned out, for I'm fairly certain that my resolution was too low.
Though I should probably get up and eat (or at least feed the Sean).
I am overly hungry.
I just had a dream about BLTs.
Poorly made BLTs, but BLTs nonetheless.
And it had NOTHING, but NOTHING to do with the fact that the sandwich artist was dressed in green and yellow, despite what the authorities might think.
I still hated his sandwiches just as much when he was dressed as a bumblebee.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Website working again.
On my own computer.
Good enough.
Slightly backwards, have to FTP from Blogger from my computer to my computer.
CGI does not work, (laziness problem, mostly), so boo to the tagboard.
Perhaps I'll figure out some PHP nonsense.
I'm not that bored...