Saturday, March 30, 2002

Imperial State Power in America

Creepiest stamp ever?

[ Via Virulent Memes, via The Null Device, via Leviathan, via The Homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe. Etc... I enjoy tracing these things back... ]

Scary "Ed McMahon propaganda commercials for the Department of Justice" = here

Scary neighbourhood watch website = here

Scary Citizen Corps website = here

Added about 25 links to the sidebar... Might want to look in the graveyard if you want to see all the junk that held my interest for more than 10 seconds today. Most of it is "The History of..." nonsense.

Perhaps soon I'll start up another proper weblog. You know... with links and stuff. Pity that I accidentally deleted Coca-Coma from Blogger. Er, well... It still exists. But there is no one with permission to access the posts, since I accidentally deleted mine. See, I was listed twice on the "team", and thought mistakenly that I could delete just one of me... Um, no. Haven't been able to get anyone at Blogger to help me out. Ho hum. Wouldn't bother me so much if I had archives of it anywhere other that the defunct site. The main page of it still exists at, though.

Searching for other places on the 'Net that I could possibly have uploaded it, I found all sorts of links to the old site that I had never known about, and ones that I had forgotten about. Pretty interesting. Really. I'm serious... Or not. Check it out anyway. Or not.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

i think that each of the next few days in turn will have their shot at being the worst day ever

just got back from the bus station



This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002



Although this is not Canadian bullshit, I'm going to take cover in advance, and move to Sealand.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Allow me to point out once again that copyright law is bullshit.

Monday, March 25, 2002

DNA codes may be protected as 'music'

Reminds me of Musicians copyright phone numbers .

Those musicians should have have kept the rights to their idea, too. 'Cause where are they now? Their website is gone, gone, gone.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Everyone has a digital camera but me :(

Charmie has posted some pictures from Friday.

I'm really not too sure how I managed to miss riot police.
I suppose that being drunk will do that.
I wonder what I was noticing.
i hate artists
i hate artists
the best house song ever written

inspired by last night's visit to NASA, and sean's utter disdain for house music.

guess how long this took to make.

Thursday, March 21, 2002

how is it possible that i contain this much snot.

i'm going to hunt down patient zero.

i'm going to...
sneeze violently at them...

i want to sleeeeeep.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

shut up

can't put enough effort into fixing your pages to work on my browser, but can put enough effort into detecting what browser i'm using and redirecting me to a specially designed page to tell me that you can't put enough effort into fixing your pages to work on my browser?

or just being pissy because i figured out that internet explorer stinks and subsequently gave up on it?

hm. hmmm.

Saturday, March 16, 2002

I can't get to at all anymore.
Even by leaving off the www.
All I can look at is
I hates it.
The page is so fugly.
Stoopid Google.
If I had wanted to go to, do you not think I would hve typed that address into my browser?
Hm? Hm?

In other highly uninteresting and irrelevant search engine news, I can't believe that this nonsense is still getting, on some days, over 20 hits a day. Searching for my name, I found it as the first result. The second was a page linking to it. I'd take it down, but apparently there is a great demand for pointless crap that I wrote in 1997 that's filled with spelling errors and was designed without my having a clue about what the thing looked like, because my only browser at the time I originally made it was Lynx.

Other ridiculousness from the same era: Bebert's Refridgerator Box

Bracewell's argument for the removal of the letters c, q, and x from the english language is sadly, however, no more.

Friday, March 15, 2002

Does this layout look familiar?

but i give up for now

I guarantee that archives are fucked.

'Cause I've done everything assbackwards.
Not that I'm going to bother re-archiving yet.

Wow, the orange is fugly.

This is the last you'll hear of this.
It's pointless to point out that I've redone the layout.
It's fairly obvious, hm?


Thursday, March 14, 2002

"Remember, Booklend is like your local library. Except smaller. And less convenient."

Erm... so why bother? Hm.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Fuck all. More blank media tariff bullshit is being pulled on Canadians. And I wasn't even done ranting about the last time I heard about the levy.

Blah blah blah, but I've no time to rant now. Read and rant for yourselves:

Copyright Board Canada
Canadian Private Copying Collective
Information on the Blank Media Levy (Sycorp) (PETITION IS BACK)

etc. etc. etc.

Haven't read much of this yet. I'll save getting pissed off for later...
I'm not sure what the point of this site that keeps popping up on the daypop top 40 because of it's odd flash movies for some unidentifiable product called "hi-ho", as far as i can gather... or perhaps it's some sort of slogan. i'll probably never know...

but the site is full of other entertaining goodies. for instance... a series of realplayer videos titled "i love english"... a reverse version of the learn japanese programs they used to show really late at night on satellite that entertained me so. i recommend "giving someone a hard time".


Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Notice to anyone who cares: my e-mail address is down, and perhaps gone (my dad was planning to switch ISPs).

For now you can send e-mail to c2green at ryerson dot ca.

If you sent me anything in the last day or so (ha! unlikely!) you should probably resend it.

I will be moving to my own domain in the next few days, so both my URL and e-mail address will be changing again very shortly.

Monday, March 11, 2002

Alright, children. You really must stop playing with the fire alarm. That red handle is to be pulled in the case of an emergency only, thank you very much.

I'd like to have some hearing left in years to come. Goddamn! I'm beginning to get slightly annoyed.

How does this not wake Sean...
Fuck all.
I sleep.
[ Flounder ]
For some time now your hopes and expectations have been denied... and because of this you are becoming withdrawn and introverted. Continual disappointment has manifested itself in you becoming both suspicious and restrained... you have become withdrawn from others and have receded more and more into yourself. You seem to have lost your innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that you may be carried away by it only to find that you are wasting your time. You are loath to trust people as in the past your trust has been misplaced. You seem to be keeping yourself cautiously aloof from others. At this moment in time your attitude is to trust no-body... until they can prove themselves to you.

Recent disappointment has led you to become truly introverted. You are becoming suspicious of everybody and consequently you now feel that you are unable to trust anybody.. Unfortunately it would appear that you are curbing your natural enthusiasm and imaginative nature... perhaps this is because you are fearful that you may become over enthused and find that you could possibly be carried away by wishful thinking... You are keeping your distance to see whether attitudes towards you are sincere - but this watchfulness could easily develop into suspicion and distrust.

You really would like to be completely uninhibited... to let your hair down.. but you are held back by a sense of logic since you realise that by simple stupidity you could lose everything... whatever that may be...


Candice start essay now.
Or sleep.

If I was on a bicycle, I'd be out the back door by now.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

mmm... antifreeze.
Well, of course I've seen the Jack Chick website. Not so much anymore, but I used to be the sort of person to whom a higher than average number or tracts would be offered. Something about the way I dressed making me appear to be prime Satan bait or something... I used to have a tract collection, I wish I knew what happened to it... I guess that walking past the Eaton Centre every now and then would help me get that back together again.

Better than the real thing is the Jack T. Chick Parody Archive. Haven't visted that site in awhiles.... Ahhh.... beauty.

Monday, March 04, 2002

Took Sean to class today.
Pretentious arty bullshit, apparently it is.
I have no comment.
I should also add to that last post.
It's not even 11.
I'm still drinking.
Out of a Lord of the Rings Frodo cup.
And skipping class.

Oh, I so rule.
Reconsidering a previous entry...

drinking out of a Lord of the Rings collectors cup (Frodo style)... puts us past the loser mark.

Sunday, March 03, 2002


odd obligation to post to webpage

it misses me

it's all uglified and i don't care

i feel bad

last design was better

my template is crying on the inside


this is one of those things that i hate to talk about because...

no one gives a shit


i bore myself

i think my brains are now located in my fingers, really

orange juice + toothpaste = good ("ewwwwww, that's good")

orange juice + vodka + toothpaste = death

apply fact of sitting drinking in dorm room and add to having all family guy episodes on computer....

completely uncool + extremely cool = back to average


Saturday, March 02, 2002

Fixed the webpage for Netscape.
Since it's the only thing I'm using anymore.

Friday, March 01, 2002

Sean and I have now downloaded to my computer every episode of The Family Guy that has ever been shown on television.

Do you realize how cool this makes us?

Of course, I seem to be having some troubles with the video codecs on my computer since I've reformatted.

The media player I usually use plays them upsidedown and backwards. And with no audio.


Thursday, February 28, 2002

Extreme self-loathing terminated.
Go back about your business.
Alcohol is the devil.
The only explanation I can find for anything is that I hate myself.

Whee, let's see how much more I can sabotage my entire life.

Anyone's welcome with me on Ganymede.
But you'd have to be fucking insane.

I hate women.
God, I am such a fucking woman.
I'm worried sick.
I'll trade everything I have for some stability.
Anyone have any they can offer?

Fuck all.

I am only a semi-internet-slut.
candice, you can't keep doing this.

don't do that, or i'll hurt you.


it tastes like death liquified.
my webpage looks

on netscape

but not as bad as blogger

and if they don't care
then i don't care

i'll fix it later

there is more drinking to do

at 9 am?


at 9am.

sometime i will go to bed.

odd how i can type so nicely without being able to feel my fingers.

did i mention that i've also had hm....
8+8+8 mg or codeine.
or something.
i feel nothing.
don't have windows media player anymore

or movie maker

or blah blah blah blah blah

got rid of all yer windows bs

98lite is my new best friend. even if i did use an illegal copy.

we all know that i'm 100% broke.
at least 99% broke.

and i'm drunk again.

go figure.

sean says he has money.
bah. some sugah daddy.
ain't got no job.
hah hah hah.

beck hurts me.

i can't feel my limbs.

it's fucking 9 am and i haven't gone to bed yet.
i hate my life.
i hate everything.
except for jesus.
or something.

wow, my teeth are fuzzy-like.

goddamn video post production better have dubbed my tape by now.
what's the holdup biatch?
it's the last last last minute as usual.
i hate myself.
but jesus loves me and such, so it'll all work out.

whoever was responsible for my past life
worked up some mighty good positive karma
that i probably don't deserve

but nevermind
i don't believe in any of that nonsense anyway
i just laugh at you all
i will do nothing
and it will all work out fine

i have confidence in this

my speakers fucking suck

what are you talking about sean


the drink in front of me is a very disturbing shade of bright pink

my computer is nice and clean

it makes me happier than i have ever been

or something

sean says i should be talking about him here

yes he's right. or something.

i guess i love him. i guess.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

yeah, my speakers fucking suck.
this hurts me.
this hurts me so.
the static is unbearable.

p.s. i'm going to fucking kill you, sean.

the end.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

reinstalled... everything
sure was fun, yeh

and then i UNinstalled IE, Outlook Express and Outlook

so there

soooooo therrrrre

Blogger looks like shite in Netscape.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Sean is Princess Jasmin.

I'd post something of value, but I have better things to do.
Okay, that's a lie.
But you're not getting anything useful out of me anyway.
Boo to you.

Thursday, February 21, 2002


Missed waking up in time for (something almost, but not quite entirely unlike) food again!


I don't see much of that wretched daystar anymore.

I don't see much of class anymore.

(Daystar, BTW, is a perfectly valid word for the sun. I could, apparently, also be referring to Venus, but as we know, there is no sky in Toronto, and therefore there is no freakin' chance of seeing the planet Venus, as you have to catch it when it's near the horizon. We all know that there is no horizon in Toronto...)

I suppose I'll be dining at Dominion again today.
Just keep me away from the Easter display.
My teeth hurt. Yow.

Well, either at Dominion or on coagulated, sweaty pizza.
Depends how much of a masochist I feel like today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002
For my own future reference:
Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep space
Chemtrails DataPage

Contrails and Chemtrails

blah blah blah
U.S. patent number 6315213

"A scientist from Wright Patterson Air Force Base acknowledges that planes are spraying barium salt, polymer fibers, aluminum oxide and other chemicals in the atmosphere to both modify the weather and for military communications purposes. The patent abstract specifically states: 'The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the cloud’s ability to rain.'"


Sunday, February 17, 2002

Thursday, February 14, 2002

i almost made the decision five minutes ago to switch to netscape, now that it seems to have some idea of what to do with the code it's given.
except that i'd forgotten how long it takes to load pages. why is that?
but internet explorer hurts me. i installed 6.0 (why would i do that? anything.0 is usually a stupid stupid stupid idea), and now the blogger right-click menu (among other things) won't work. grr.


i got back a little less than half an hour ago from my psychology test... there are twenty minutes left. remind me not to bother studying next time, because i am so tired. what a waste. at the most, i should have read the glossary. but nooo, i spent last night reading three whole chapters.


sean and i are disgusting pigslobs. a quick count of the empty nestea bottles visible from where i'm sitting got me up to fifteen. and i rather suspect that i must be missing more than a few. i don't want to talk about the condition of the floor. or how much complete garbage we've been eating lately. also pathetic: we must have spent a good 15 minutes in dominion at 4am last night deciding which fruit snacks to buy. how can we spend an hour buying candy and tostitos? even factoring in standing around reading entire magazines. if only i could devote this much energy to worrying about something important. like, uh... who am i fooling. nothing's important. ...apathetic bloody planet.


motivation, initiative, ambition... levels nearing 0%
almost noon. looks like bedtime to me. goodnight.

Monday, February 11, 2002

Back from weekend.
Wasn't as painful as expected,
but just as boring.

Now I've started the weekend off well.
By skipping both of today's classes.
Not getting up until 6pm.

Why can't I successfully get to bed before the sun comes up?
Other people have excuses.
Essays or something.
I'm just ridiculous.
Sleep too much.
Nice problem avoidance technique.
Stomachs hurting all over the place.

Should have picked up my print for design today.
But my laziness is a well known fact.
Heads will be rolling if they didn't do it properly this time,
because we all know I paid enough for it.
Kinda makes me wish I'd worked harder on it.
Um. Kinda sort of. Not really.

Still am not getting along with this whole schooool thing.
Ruins any interest I might have otherwise had in any of the course material.
Just like it ruined so many good books in high school.
Just because I had such crappy teachers.

Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, 1984, Brave New World...
All ruined.

Though... At least one half of those books had such crappy endings.
Especially Brave New World.

That is a movie I have not seen.
But I think that I might watch 1984
Nineteen Eighty Four
wait. Just how WAS the movie titled?
And I'm talking about the 1984 version.
I think they were different.
The book was all spelled-like.
The book was also better.
The movie really kind of sucks.
Kind of.
But since it makes me think of the book that doesn't suck
I like to watch it.

And sheesh.
I like to watch Logan's Run...

Maybe I'll just watch Fahrenheit 451.
Or maybe I'll shut up.
Or sleep some more.

What was I talking about?

I also might start writing in proper sentences.
And without all this enter-pushing all the time.
Konrad, are you reading this?
I blame you, sir.

Oh yeah.
Ruinous high school teachers.
Except for OAC,
but even Mrs. Dunsmore could not make me tolerate Hamlet.
Jeez, that guy's more depressing than me.
At least I occassionally stop whining.
And I usually at least make sure that I'm whining TO somebody.
Despite the fact that they don't usually listen to me.
I wonder why that is.

It would probably be embarrassing to be caught mid-monologue.

Sean says
"I love that you can have more verbal intercourse with your fucking computer."
Sweet of him, yes?
I believe that he wants me to get my ass off of here.
Perhaps I have someone that will listen to me rambling and whining afterall.
Wonder why he'd do that.
Probably reflects poorly on his intelligence, I rather suspect.
Probably not.
More likely reflects something about me.
Remind me that this reminds me about something I wanted to complain about several weeks ago in Production class.
Perhaps I'll just briefly complain about it now.

Is video a window or a mirror?


Goddamn it.

Video is video.

It is what it is.

Do we have to compare everything to something else in order to understand it?

Humbug and bah.

Candice hates metaphors and similes alike.
Despite her occassional usage of each.
Mmm, clichés.

Now indeed I shut the hell up.

Do you know?
My motto is Don't Panic?
Ha ha ha.


Saturday, February 09, 2002

I love Sean.
I love Sean.
My name is Candice.
I love Sean.
Going home
Don't know if I will be able to update this

Bringing Sean
The horror!

Friday, February 08, 2002

I don't want to use
I want

Stop redirecting me, fuckers.

I don't know why I care, but...

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Was considering making another list to complement my list of different kinds of mint.

Would have been a list of shades of black that eyeliner and mascara come in.

But I just don't have that kind of time.
In yet another clever move, Candice sleeps through psychology class, bringing the number of consecutively missed psychology classes to five, now outnumbering psychology classes actually attended (four). This also brings the total number of classes missed this week to four, while leaving the number of classes attended at two (though technically... cancelled classes don't count, even if I thought I was skipping it at the time), with a slight possibility of moving up to three, assuming that it will be possible tomorrow to get up for ten. I suppose I could still tie, except that a one hour class really doesn't match up to a three hour class. See, if you consider the hours spent in class this week... Which for your information, I WON'T, because dammit, just how bored do you think I am? Right. Well probably more bored than that, but not bored enough to do simple addition, because hell, it's just too too early.

Anyway, she's a smart one, that Candice.

Kindly excuse me.
Whilst I employ the psychology textbook as a head pummeling device.
The purpose of which will be to return myself to unconsciousness, thusly avoiding having to go pick up my print for design, and having to see how badly and pixellated it turned out, for I'm fairly certain that my resolution was too low.
Though I should probably get up and eat (or at least feed the Sean).
I am overly hungry.
I just had a dream about BLTs.
Poorly made BLTs, but BLTs nonetheless.
And it had NOTHING, but NOTHING to do with the fact that the sandwich artist was dressed in green and yellow, despite what the authorities might think.
I still hated his sandwiches just as much when he was dressed as a bumblebee.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Website working again.
On my own computer.
Good enough.
Slightly backwards, have to FTP from Blogger from my computer to my computer.
CGI does not work, (laziness problem, mostly), so boo to the tagboard.
Perhaps I'll figure out some PHP nonsense.
I'm not that bored...

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

A list:

  • cool mint

  • fresh mint

  • peppermint

  • smooth mint

  • icy mint

  • winter mint

  • clean mint

  • original mint

  • spearmint

  • soft mint

  • arctic mint

  • midnight mint

  • cinnamint

Monday, January 28, 2002

"Any day you're breathing, you still have a chance."
"We have seen that the tendency to justify our past behavior can lead us into an escalation of rationalizations that can be disastrous. The irony, of course, is that, in order to avoid thinking of ourselves as stupid or immoral, we set the stage for increasing our acts of stupidity or immorality. Is there any antidote to the rationalization trap? Although it is clear that most of us will go to great length to justify our actions, it is clear that, if that is all we did, we would never learn from our experience; human beings cannot live by consonance alone."

Okay, so isn't this one of those times where my brain is meant to come up with some goddamn rationalization? 'Cause it had damn well better hurry up about that shit. I'm feeling pretty stupid and immoral. And I think I'd do fairly well with some consonance.

There are so many things that I would change right now.

Saturday, January 26, 2002

Acronym Finder
Jargon File Resources
Cyberspace is a Parallel World: A Metaphor Analysis
Wayne Magnuson: English Idioms
The Idiom Connection
Cliche Finder
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario: "Your Source for Entertaining Ideas"

Nice slogan.
And quite accurate.
Alcohol has been the source of many entertaining ideas.
Not necessarily good ones...
How About Another Last Name?

Apparently the Institute for Naming Children Humanely finds my middle name unacceptable. Not only is it unisex, it was also originally a last name. Peh. This is the case with all middle names of the children in my family. Taylor, Martin, Wilds, Gregory. They all work except for one. Wilds is a bit of an odd middle name, wouldn't you say... It's alright, my sister is odd, so it fits.

They don't like my first name at the site, either. The nickname "Candy" is just asking for it, they say. Well, I can't totally disagree with that, but, well... boo to you. I'm all set if I want to become a porn star...

Thursday, January 24, 2002

"More than ever, college is preventing me from creating anything I care about."
-- Adam Mathes

It's so true...

Checked my bank account as a daily exercise in futility, and...

There's money there?

OSAP paid me.
Hell has frozen over.

They still owe me two payments, but...
I am told that there is a cheque in the mail for one of them.

As for the other,
well, they've got a new system this year.
They don't know how to pay me.

Ooh, ooh! But I have a refund for my tuition that was overypaid because OSAP and scholarship both got deposited to that account.
And that should be here next week as well.

Candice dances now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

this is not the first time i have typed and posted this here
and it will most likely not be the last


the sun did not shine
it was too wet to play
so we sat in the house
all that cold cold wet day

i sat there with sally
we sat there we two
and i said
how i wish we had something to do

too wet to go out
and too cold to play ball
so we sat in the house
we did nothing at all

and all we could do was just
sit sit sit sit
and we did not like it
not one little bit

then something went bump
how that bump made us jump
we looked and we saw him
step in on the mat

we looked and we saw him
the cat in the hat
and he said to us
why do you sit there like that

i know it is wet
and the sun is not sunny
but we can have lots of
good fun that is funny

i know some good games
we can play said the cat
i know some new tricks
said the cat in the hat

a lot of good tricks
i will show them to you
your mother will not mind
at all if i do

and sally and i
did not know what to say
our mother was out of the house
for the day

but our fish said
no no make that cat go away
tell that cat in the hat
you do not want to play

he should not be here
he should not be about
he should not be here
while your mother is out

now now have no fear
have no fear said the cat
my tricks are not bad
said the cat in the hat

why we can have lots of
good fun if you wish
with a game that i call
up up up with a fish

put me down said the fish
this is no fun at all
put me down said the fish
i do not wish to fall

have no fear said the cat
i will not let you fall
i will hold you up high
as i stand on a ball

with a book in one hand
and a cup on my hat
but that is not all i can do
said the cat

look at me look at me now
said the cat
with a cup and a cake
on the top of my hat

i can hold up two books
i can hold up the fish
and a little toy ship
and some milk on a dish

and look i can hop
up and down on the ball
but that is not all
oh no that is not all

look at me look at me
look at me now
it is fun to have fun
but you have to know how

i can hold up the cup
and the milk and the cake
i can hold up these books
and the fish on a rake

i can hold the toy ship
and a little toy man
and look with my tail
i can hold a red fan

i can fan with the fan
as i hop on the ball
but that is not all
oh no that is not all

that is what the cat said
then he fell on his head
he came down with a bump from up there on the ball
and sally and i we saw all the things fall

and our fish came down too
he fell into a pot
and he said do i like this
oh no i do not

this is not a good game
said our fish as he lit
oh i do not like it
not one little bit

now look what you did
said the fish to the cat
now look at this house
look at this look at that

you sunk our toy ship
sank it deep in the cake
you shook up our house
and you bent our new rake

you should not be here
when our mother is no
you get out of this house
said the fish in the pot

but i like to be here
oh i like it a lot
said the cat in the hat
to the fish in the pot

i do not wish to leave
i do not wish to go
and so said the cat in the hat
so so so...
i will show you another
good trick that i know

and then he ran out
and then fast as a fox
the cat in the hat
came back in with a box

a big red wood box
it was shut with a hook
now look at this trick
said the cat take a look

then he got up on top
with a tip of his hat
i call this game
fun in a box said the cat

in this box are two things
i will show to you now
you will like these two things
said the cat with a box

i will pick up the hook
you will see something new
two things and i call them
thing one and thing two

these things will not bite you
they want to have fun
then out of the box
came thing two and thing one

and they ran to us fast
they said how do you do
would you like to shake hands
with thing one and thing two

and sally and i
did not know what to do
so we had to shake hands
with thing one and thing two

we shook their two hands
but our fish said no no
those things should not be
in this house make them go

they should not be here
they should not be about
they should not be here
while your mother is out

have no fear little fish
said the cat in the hat
these things are good things
and he gave them a pat

they are tame oh so tame
they have come here to play
they will show you some fun
on this cold cold wet day

now here is a game
that they like said the cat
they like to fly kites
said the cat in the hat

no not in the house
said the fish in the pot
they should not fly kites
in a house they should not

oh the things they will bump
oh the things they will hit
oh i do not like it
not one little bit

then we saw those two things
fly their kites down the hall
bump thump thump bump
down the wall in the hall

thing one and thing two
they ran up they ran down
on the string of one kite
we saw mother's new gown

the gown with the spots
that are pink white and red
we saw one kite bump
on the head of her bed

then those things ran about
with big bumps thumps and kicks
and with hops and big jumps
and all kinds of bad tricks

and i said i do not like
the way that they play
if our mother could see this
oh what would she say

then our fish said look look
then our fish shook with fear
your mother is on her way home
do you hear

oh what will she do to us
what will she say
oh she will not like it
to find us this way

so as fast as you can
think of something to do
you will have to get rid
of thing one and thing two

so as fast as i could
i went after my net
and i said with my net i can get them i bet
i bet with my net i can get those things yet

then i let down my net
it came down with a plop
then i had them at last
those two things had to stop

and i said to the cat
now you do as i say
you pack up those things
and you take them away

oh dear said the cat
you did not like my game
oh dear what a shame what a
shame what a shame

and he packed up the things
in the box with the hook
then the cat went away
with a sad kind of look

that is good said the fish
he has gone away yes
but your mother will come
she will find this big mess

and this mess is so big
and so deep and so tall
we cannot pick it up
there is no way at all

and then who was back
in the house why the cat
have no fear of this mess
said the cat in the hat

i always pick up all my
playthings and so
i will show you another
good trick that i know

then we saw him pick up
all the things that were down
he picked up the cake
and the rake and the gown

and the milk and the strings
and the books and the dish
and the fan and the cup
and the ship and the fish

then he put them away
and he said that is that
and then he was gone
with a tip of his hat

then our mother came in
and she said to us two
did you have any fun
tell me what did you do

and sally and i
did not know what to say
should we tell her the things
that went on there that day

should we tell her about it
now what should we do
well what would you do
if your mother asked you?


candice goes home now.
i don't know about any of you

but when i'm tired
the sound of a room teeming with the sound of computer fans...
kind of makes me feel hm
really ill

moreso than i would have
had it been only the no-sleep plus no-food factors

these are the kind of computers that say

better than the kind that say

certainly better than the kind that say

but they're making my head pound nonetheless

want to go hoooooooooome

want to go home and eat

and sleep



i will so not be in class tomorrow


i'll think about it

whenever i feel like thinking again

not soon

feel like i'm in a coma

going to sit here for three hours
and edit out backgrounds from photos
whee fun
i love this class

being forced to do this makes it oh so much more painful

i actually might do such a thing for fun
that's how sick i am

but this is death

foreground, midground, background


my image contains er... one of these

but which one!?

i'm going to sit here and contemplate this for awhile

good excuse to stare into space

as if i need one




yawn yawn yawn yawn

well... one hour wasted, two more to go.

here is where i would generally commence with total mindlessness, i.e. typing out the intro to the hhgttg, but...

hell, i want to turn the brain off completely

this keyboard is pretty quiet, i bet no one would notice if i bashed my head on it for a while

maybe if i beat the mouse senseless it'll create some neat effects in photoshop?

there is not a drop of creativity in me right now


entire oceans worth of complaining i have left to go...
whee. so now seems to have been hacked.

I hate everything.

my webpage will never work properly again...

Thursday, January 17, 2002

Gigantic Nipple: yo yo yo, wussup nigga?

Gigantic Nipple: im a gigantic nipple! werd up

Gigantic Nipple: im caused my a mutha fuckin mammary
gland disorder! sup wit dat yo

Gigantic Nipple: you hearin me homie?

Gigantic Nipple: pfff
I guess that it is technically possible to update this.

But the page is broken and I don't want people looking at it.

So get lost.

Saturday, January 12, 2002

Color of the universe "If the universe has a distinctive color, it would be a shade of bluish green, astronomers announced Thursday."

Friday, January 11, 2002

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Kay... I can't find a link for this story I'm watching on the news, but... eh. No matter.

One of those Northern communities with only one store is all concerned because... that store burnt down. And now they have no place to get supplies.

But wait.

How did the store get those supplies...

Can I suggest that they... get some more?

I mean, that's what the store had to do all the time, anyway. It was just a big box to keep everything in. Their food wasn't being produced there...

And oh no, the post office burnt down. Now where will they get their mail?


Drop it off somewhere else...

Sure, the situation might suck for a day or two...

But gak! I don't see how it's such a big deal.

And really... they flew in reporters...

Couldn't the reporters have brought them some sammmiches or something?

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

What I'm doing right now instead of redesigning my Image Arts website:

[ Colourful Something-or-Other ]

I cannot design webpages in Photoshop.
This happens every time.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy's may be dead, but Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy's on a Stick lives on.

[ Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy's on a Stick ]
It's a bit later now, isn't it.

I guess I kind of fell asleep.


I hate everything.
Storyboards suck my would-be balls.

I was all set to draw me some stick figures, cause a storyboard doesn't have to be any better than that, as long as it makes sense, but...

Now I've had this "visually engaging" nonsense thrown at me, and I'm screwed.

Stick figures, you see
badly drawn stick figures, especially
are not visually engaging.

So I took a nap until 2am.
Wasted three more hours.
And here I am.

Wasting more time.

I'm not going to link to the new iMac.
'Cause it's ugly.
So there.
Ridiculous Americans and their non-usage of vinegar... Vinegar is filed under "other" at The Condiment Museum. With the likes of mint sauce, tartar sauce, and sushi ginger. But of course, there's an entire mayo section... (via Virulent Memes)

Monday, January 07, 2002

Was bored.

Stuck camera directly in face.

Still bored.

bored bored bored bored bored bored bored

bored bored bored

website broken again


Sunday, January 06, 2002

Iain is taking over art history full time. There is a god. Marta is taking time off to write books. Yeah. Good luck with that. "The Chairness of the Chair - Plato for the Masochist" by Marta Braun.

Saturday, January 05, 2002

Beware the letter A

Look. The triangle is a pretty basic shape. Just because you may run into an acute angle every now and then is not proof of the conspiracy.

(Main page of the site)
I'm going to go break things.
To make up for my broken website.
Okay, so I'm dyslexic.

Boo to you all.

But I find it disturbing that people are actually checking out my details in the sidebar.

I don't know where 10.5 in Jupiter years came from. Because I do in fact know how to divide. In theory.

I mean, I'm supposed to be advanced in math.

I just don't know where to put decimal places.

And I just can't tell a 2 from a 5.


Friday, January 04, 2002

i'm posting this now only as an exercise in futility.

it more than likely isn't going to work.

my website has issues.

shell commands haven't been working properly all day.

telnet is still down.

ftp cannot possibly work.

i am in a bad mood.

this is 100% irrelevant to 99.99999999% percent of people.
it will not affect you.

however, it means that i'm sitting at home posting this now instead of sitting in someone else's basement.

i kinda wish i'd decided to go sit in someone else's basement.

but ah well. i didn't particularly feel like moving at the time.

i'm going to sit here and eat some more sugar.

if chocolate doesn't make me happy, well.

i'll just have to eat more of it, goddamn it.

i'm almost bored enough to do homework.

it's not bad homework.

it's webdesign homework.

but i do not feel at all creative.

ack, well. perhaps this would be beneficial.

i had written in my project statement that my redesign was to be 100% devoid of all creativity.

well, i didn't put it like that.

i used some fancy words that meant the same thing.

i think i'll make sure to have a black and white colour scheme, with no graphics, and courier font.

hell, i think i'll design it in ascii.

and there will certainly not be any javascript or fancy rollover effects.

i'm feeling fairly underwhelmed by some of my classes.

tools and applications makes me want to design purely in html 1.0

or perhaps txt files.

i've never responded well to being taught.

give me information, but do not give me opinions.
i can find subjectivity elsewhere.

facts, not bullshit, puhleazzzze.

i don't like this school thing.

give me a book.

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Phew. My website is alive.

And so am I.

I got back home from Indiana yesterday evening.

A little bit later than I'd expected...

And I have never never never never been away from my computer for so long in my life.

But it was good times.

Despite the fact that I am now and will continue for a long long time to be leaking brain from my ears.