Thursday, December 13, 2001
Wednesday, December 12, 2001
Tuesday, December 11, 2001
How can I make lemonade with no lemons?
I'm not sure why this line seems so great to me.
It just is.
I'm not sure why this line seems so great to me.
It just is.
Guess who's on hold again...
But this time with a supervisor. I have his direct extension now.
This doesn't seem to help me.
But apparently there are more forms I have to fill out that I've never heard of before this. That were supposed to have been faxed to my bank.
Well. One of them. The other one isn't there yet...
This person is actually being helpful. Kind of. Amazing.
But my problem is not solved yet. Oh no, there is still the bank to deal with.
And now, my mother is on the phone!
But this time with a supervisor. I have his direct extension now.
This doesn't seem to help me.
But apparently there are more forms I have to fill out that I've never heard of before this. That were supposed to have been faxed to my bank.
Well. One of them. The other one isn't there yet...
This person is actually being helpful. Kind of. Amazing.
But my problem is not solved yet. Oh no, there is still the bank to deal with.
And now, my mother is on the phone!
Grow tired of personality tests?
Somehow I highly doubt that.
I don't remember a time when these things weren't passed around.
Wasn't so common because it wasn't so convenient, so maybe the overload will make us all sick of them, but... I'm not so sure.
Even those that claim to be sick of them continue to post their results.
Like me.
Hm, this whole thing makes me want to go take some tests and report back.
Odd, that.
Candy, Candy, quite contrary.
Somehow I highly doubt that.
I don't remember a time when these things weren't passed around.
Wasn't so common because it wasn't so convenient, so maybe the overload will make us all sick of them, but... I'm not so sure.
Even those that claim to be sick of them continue to post their results.
Like me.
Hm, this whole thing makes me want to go take some tests and report back.
Odd, that.
Candy, Candy, quite contrary.
Okay, I've figured out the WebDAV BS. And duplicated the damn requests to some extent from my own computer... Some dirty Web Folders thing, it seems. Well, not Web Folders, but... same deal. Maybe I'm a shortcut. So I suppose I'll ignore these from now on. Anyway, I've found that knowing that they are running this, and knowing their network name is some sort of vulnerability that I'd probably be able to exploit if I was into that sort of thing. They should be more careful. These aren't smart users. I wish I'd known ahead of time about the computer I just found that's sharing My Documents with some nice Philosophy 101 papers in it... Haha. Um. No. I'm not like that. I still haven't even tried printing anything on any of these shared printers I have access to... But yeah, that's only because I wouldn't be around to witness the results.
Hm, as far as I can tell these OPTIONS method requests that I'm getting are coming from users trying to access my shared files over the network. Why this should cause anything to be sent to port 80, I do not know. And it doesn't happen all the time. So I ask again, what is Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600?
Pigpen has solved my "view source" issue, for which I am most grateful.
The secret is to empty out the temporary internet files folder.
I shall repay by...
Stealing source code?
The secret is to empty out the temporary internet files folder.
I shall repay by...
Stealing source code?
Monday, December 10, 2001
How is this:
any better than a personality test.
Just as ridiculous, if you ask me.
You know, who gives a shit about the damn personality tests.
Doesn't really matter. They're kinda dumb, but so what.
If people want to post nothing but that nonsense, good for them.
Nobody's forcing anyone else to look at it.
Here's something better:
It's good advice.
Calm down. Callllmmmm dowwwwnnn....
any better than a personality test.
Just as ridiculous, if you ask me.
You know, who gives a shit about the damn personality tests.
Doesn't really matter. They're kinda dumb, but so what.
If people want to post nothing but that nonsense, good for them.
Nobody's forcing anyone else to look at it.
Here's something better:
![[ Dont't Panic ]](dont.gif)
It's good advice.
Calm down. Callllmmmm dowwwwnnn....
Okay... so I've left a message with this (probably imaginary) person, to call me back, which will hopefully be DONE this time.
How many times have they told me that someone will call me back?
Well, I can't count that high.
How many times has somebody actually done it?
And now I can't go get food, because I know that if I do, my call will this time be returned ASAP.
I am seriously moving to Ganymede.
When I am Empress, banks will be outlawed.
How many times have they told me that someone will call me back?
Well, I can't count that high.
How many times has somebody actually done it?
And now I can't go get food, because I know that if I do, my call will this time be returned ASAP.
I am seriously moving to Ganymede.
When I am Empress, banks will be outlawed.
I was wondering whatever happened to the blogs I used to link to, before I fell off of the face of the Earth, and took Coca-Coma with me...
So I went on a mission to find out.
Apathy has moved from Pitas to Electrobacon, and from tables to CSS. Not much to look at presently. On vacation or some such deal...
Ben-O is still there, no posts since October 22nd.
blueblog disappeared one Monday in February. Now there is this instead.
Bluishorange is being updated, and is even prettier than it used to be, and I remember it being fairly pretty, mind you. (I was never sure of the title of this site!) is still around, and still all full of extreme cleverness.
"Digital Swirlee is being rebuilt". There is now Digital Catharsis. Who are all of these people. I am lost!
Eleven Seconds has quite possibly fallen off of the face of the Earth.
fcuker has been "gone for a while." is no longer "I Wanna Visit Japan", but it's still green, and still has many many words, that I must admit, I will put off reading until later, because I'm moving on to:
mark, my words. I don't remember this site. But I think it's odd that I've already seen several posts, like this one, on these sites commenting on their histories. There's a page here still in development called redesign fun. Maybe later that will clue me in to what I'm looking at.
Mood Swings is another page I can't remember, but I can see why I visited frequently. Lots of nifty links to be found, it seems.
I remember Nerd in Suit... See, this is why you should leave your design alone. Nice word in favor of blogger here.
Ooine seems to be gone,
but is going strong.
Unlike Squirrely, which is sad, I was rather fond that one.
Webloglog died in August, shortly after my site went under. But there still exists a reference to me in the archives.
I'm sure most people are aware that Weblog Wannabe hasn't disappeared, but no longer exists.
And finally Wetlog, no longer Wetlog, is causing me a considerable amount of confusion. Some sort of continuing story going on, and other things that I fail to catch onto easily in my current state of brainlesssnesssss...
So now... I seek new links.
I'm way out of the loop.
There were far fewer blogs to wade through back in those days!
Now I'm just totally confuzzled and bewildered by it all.
So I went on a mission to find out.
Apathy has moved from Pitas to Electrobacon, and from tables to CSS. Not much to look at presently. On vacation or some such deal...
Ben-O is still there, no posts since October 22nd.
blueblog disappeared one Monday in February. Now there is this instead.
Bluishorange is being updated, and is even prettier than it used to be, and I remember it being fairly pretty, mind you. (I was never sure of the title of this site!) is still around, and still all full of extreme cleverness.
"Digital Swirlee is being rebuilt". There is now Digital Catharsis. Who are all of these people. I am lost!
Eleven Seconds has quite possibly fallen off of the face of the Earth.
fcuker has been "gone for a while." is no longer "I Wanna Visit Japan", but it's still green, and still has many many words, that I must admit, I will put off reading until later, because I'm moving on to:
mark, my words. I don't remember this site. But I think it's odd that I've already seen several posts, like this one, on these sites commenting on their histories. There's a page here still in development called redesign fun. Maybe later that will clue me in to what I'm looking at.
Mood Swings is another page I can't remember, but I can see why I visited frequently. Lots of nifty links to be found, it seems.
I remember Nerd in Suit... See, this is why you should leave your design alone. Nice word in favor of blogger here.
Ooine seems to be gone,
but is going strong.
Unlike Squirrely, which is sad, I was rather fond that one.
Webloglog died in August, shortly after my site went under. But there still exists a reference to me in the archives.
I'm sure most people are aware that Weblog Wannabe hasn't disappeared, but no longer exists.
And finally Wetlog, no longer Wetlog, is causing me a considerable amount of confusion. Some sort of continuing story going on, and other things that I fail to catch onto easily in my current state of brainlesssnesssss...
So now... I seek new links.
I'm way out of the loop.
There were far fewer blogs to wade through back in those days!
Now I'm just totally confuzzled and bewildered by it all.
Sunday, December 09, 2001
Bah, why bother with that Online Morse Code Translator that everyone is linking to...
I've have a program on my computer for a while called Ham University (designed to help one to pass FCC exams), and as a result, I know, er... approximately half of the alphabet. It got boring after a while, I guess.
But wouldn't it be cool to be able to say that I know morse code...
I mean, it doesn't have any real purpose, but still.
I've have a program on my computer for a while called Ham University (designed to help one to pass FCC exams), and as a result, I know, er... approximately half of the alphabet. It got boring after a while, I guess.
But wouldn't it be cool to be able to say that I know morse code...
I mean, it doesn't have any real purpose, but still.
Explorers View 'Lost City' Ruins Under Caribbean
Possibly a large urban centre.
Up to 6000 years old.
Hmmm... interesting.
But they've found "stone structures" underwater before, that have turned out to be natural formations...
Other links I dug up with reference to this discovery: Underwater City Reported Off Western Cuba (May 18), Update on Mysterious Deep Water Sonar Images Off Western Cuba (June 13), Atlantis: Where is the Lost Continent?, 'Lost City' Found off Cuba
(Yahoo link via Invisible Broadcast System)
Possibly a large urban centre.
Up to 6000 years old.
Hmmm... interesting.
But they've found "stone structures" underwater before, that have turned out to be natural formations...
Other links I dug up with reference to this discovery: Underwater City Reported Off Western Cuba (May 18), Update on Mysterious Deep Water Sonar Images Off Western Cuba (June 13), Atlantis: Where is the Lost Continent?, 'Lost City' Found off Cuba
(Yahoo link via Invisible Broadcast System)
Why you should not show your picture to people online:
"WOW your fuckin HOT!!! are you wild, do you finger yourself, how much do you shave off your puss, how old are you, do you have a bf, what do your panties look like right know, please answer all of them and ask me some too!!;)"
Egad! This person has had a wee bit too much sugar...
"WOW your fuckin HOT!!! are you wild, do you finger yourself, how much do you shave off your puss, how old are you, do you have a bf, what do your panties look like right know, please answer all of them and ask me some too!!;)"
Egad! This person has had a wee bit too much sugar...
Okay last post on my design for a long while.
Fixed the page to validate as HTML 4.01 transitional now, but...
Well it doesn't, because the validator is too dumb to know that the &-symbols it's getting all tripped up about are contained in URLs.
But the page conforms to the standard nonetheless, oh yes.
And the validator has no problem whatsoever with my CSS.
And I think I'm going to keep track of these dot-line blogs now.
Cause I've seen about eleventy-seven in the last 15 minutes.
Fixed the page to validate as HTML 4.01 transitional now, but...
Well it doesn't, because the validator is too dumb to know that the &-symbols it's getting all tripped up about are contained in URLs.
But the page conforms to the standard nonetheless, oh yes.
And the validator has no problem whatsoever with my CSS.
And I think I'm going to keep track of these dot-line blogs now.
Cause I've seen about eleventy-seven in the last 15 minutes.
Maybe my only solution is to allow my blog to degrade to the point that it becomes a farce.
This is where I start linking to A-List blogs.
In hopes that they'll post a "so-and-so linked to me" post.
(Who named them A-List to begin with? Bah.
I think that things on an A-List ought to start with the letter A.
This puts me on the R-List.
You know, I used to be working my way into the B-List.
I was just leaving the C-List when I realized...
And become obsessed with my webcam.
And post links via x, via y, via z.
(Pointless, because dammit, when I see that, I don't read your damn log anymore, I become a reader of z. Do you see?)
This has all been said before.
I've said this all before.
I ought to be destroyed.
This is where I start linking to A-List blogs.
In hopes that they'll post a "so-and-so linked to me" post.
(Who named them A-List to begin with? Bah.
I think that things on an A-List ought to start with the letter A.
This puts me on the R-List.
You know, I used to be working my way into the B-List.
I was just leaving the C-List when I realized...
And become obsessed with my webcam.
And post links via x, via y, via z.
(Pointless, because dammit, when I see that, I don't read your damn log anymore, I become a reader of z. Do you see?)
This has all been said before.
I've said this all before.
I ought to be destroyed.
I feel dirty for posting my results to that damn art test down there.
I'll be glad when it's pushed off of the screen.
I feel dirty just for mentioning it again.
I feel dirty for adding the whole sidebar doohickey.
Must make it worse, or better.
One or the other, but it cannot remain as it is.
I'm also not sure I like this design, and...
I feel dirty for mentioning that, too!
These are things I hate to read in other people's weblogs.
That make me not come back!
Hate reading posts like:
"I added a new post to my weblog today. I think I might add a new post after I'm done adding this new post, too. But I'm a bit busy today, I've got to redesign my website, because I'm not sure I like this design. What do you think?
[ 2 BlogBack comments from people who actually click on those comment links, saying that they very much like the design, as if the design somehow affects everyone's life. Drastically. ]"
"My internet isn't working today, so I came down to this internet cafe to post and tell you that my internet isn't working today and that I came down to this internet cafe. But I'm paying for this, so I don't have time to tell you anything other than that I don't have time to tell you anything."
"I'm posting from RadioShack. Hello. I have to go now."
"I think I post too much stupid crap. Do you think I post too much stupid crap (see poll in sidebar). So here is a stupid crappy post that amounts to more stupid crap that I'm posting to tell you that I think there is a remote possibility that I post too much stupid crap, because there is no escape from stupid crap, and once the stupid crap has begun, there shall be no end, for it is the curse of the stupid crap."
I'm hoping I don't have the curse.
But I realize one thing.
Most people posting inane rubbish that I don't want to read aren't aware of their inanity (do you know, that's actually a word... I just looked it up, WHO CARES, WHOOOO CARES?!?!?).
Do people like to read this BS? Methinks that they do. Bah.
Well at least I know that my nonsense is nonsense.
And there are certain people who keep coming back to this site
and I don't even pay them!
Imagine that.
(What the hell am I talking about here... if this is what I'm like when I have nothing to worry about, and I've gotten enough sleep, maybe somebody should give me something to worry about. Or at least something more amusing to complain about. Like the fact that there's still a smashed egg on my window that I have no power to remove, have I told you all about that? That's a story for another day. Or possibly today. Gosh, I thought I'd quit this horrible getting sidetracked from saying nothing by saying more nothing within parantheses problem. My brain hurts.)
Why would anybody do that?
(See, while reading the big parentheses section, you forgot what I was talking about, didn't you.)
Yeah, why would they.
Obviously insane.
I don't rant to be read.
I rant cause I like it.
So there.
I have more where this came from.
Oh, so much more...
I'll be glad when it's pushed off of the screen.
I feel dirty just for mentioning it again.
I feel dirty for adding the whole sidebar doohickey.
Must make it worse, or better.
One or the other, but it cannot remain as it is.
I'm also not sure I like this design, and...
I feel dirty for mentioning that, too!
These are things I hate to read in other people's weblogs.
That make me not come back!
Hate reading posts like:
"I added a new post to my weblog today. I think I might add a new post after I'm done adding this new post, too. But I'm a bit busy today, I've got to redesign my website, because I'm not sure I like this design. What do you think?
[ 2 BlogBack comments from people who actually click on those comment links, saying that they very much like the design, as if the design somehow affects everyone's life. Drastically. ]"
"My internet isn't working today, so I came down to this internet cafe to post and tell you that my internet isn't working today and that I came down to this internet cafe. But I'm paying for this, so I don't have time to tell you anything other than that I don't have time to tell you anything."
"I'm posting from RadioShack. Hello. I have to go now."
"I think I post too much stupid crap. Do you think I post too much stupid crap (see poll in sidebar). So here is a stupid crappy post that amounts to more stupid crap that I'm posting to tell you that I think there is a remote possibility that I post too much stupid crap, because there is no escape from stupid crap, and once the stupid crap has begun, there shall be no end, for it is the curse of the stupid crap."
I'm hoping I don't have the curse.
But I realize one thing.
Most people posting inane rubbish that I don't want to read aren't aware of their inanity (do you know, that's actually a word... I just looked it up, WHO CARES, WHOOOO CARES?!?!?).
Do people like to read this BS? Methinks that they do. Bah.
Well at least I know that my nonsense is nonsense.
And there are certain people who keep coming back to this site
and I don't even pay them!
Imagine that.
(What the hell am I talking about here... if this is what I'm like when I have nothing to worry about, and I've gotten enough sleep, maybe somebody should give me something to worry about. Or at least something more amusing to complain about. Like the fact that there's still a smashed egg on my window that I have no power to remove, have I told you all about that? That's a story for another day. Or possibly today. Gosh, I thought I'd quit this horrible getting sidetracked from saying nothing by saying more nothing within parantheses problem. My brain hurts.)
Why would anybody do that?
(See, while reading the big parentheses section, you forgot what I was talking about, didn't you.)
Yeah, why would they.
Obviously insane.
I don't rant to be read.
I rant cause I like it.
So there.
I have more where this came from.
Oh, so much more...
One pixel black outlines, once a staple of blog design, have been replaced by one or two pixel light grey outlines. Or at least, barely visible one pixel outlines in a coordinating pastel colour.
Boo to all that.
Yes, your website looks nice.
Guess what. It also looks like EVERYTHING ELSE.
Blah blah blah.
(I've said all of this before, but that was when the black outlines were in style... this constitutes an update.)
You know, I hate weblogs.
Yes, I am some kind of hypocrite, shttp.
One pixel black outlines, once a staple of blog design, have been replaced by one or two pixel light grey outlines. Or at least, barely visible one pixel outlines in a coordinating pastel colour.
Boo to all that.
Yes, your website looks nice.
Guess what. It also looks like EVERYTHING ELSE.
Blah blah blah.
(I've said all of this before, but that was when the black outlines were in style... this constitutes an update.)
You know, I hate weblogs.
Yes, I am some kind of hypocrite, shttp.
I think that I'm going to adopt the system of punctuation outside of quotation marks.
Just so you know.
I know you don't care. I'm telling you anyway.
Because it doesn't make sense.
If they didn't say a comma, why should I attribute the comma to them.
Also, it would just never go over in programming.
La da dee.
Wasting time is fun, no?
I wish that I was not awake.
Alas, I've just slept 12 hours.
Just so you know.
I know you don't care. I'm telling you anyway.
Because it doesn't make sense.
If they didn't say a comma, why should I attribute the comma to them.
Also, it would just never go over in programming.
La da dee.
Wasting time is fun, no?
I wish that I was not awake.
Alas, I've just slept 12 hours.
Saturday, December 08, 2001
I would not normally link to anything that I found on the Daypop list (because really, what's the point?) but... A List Apart: Why Don't You Code For Netscape?
Good reasons it contains indeed.
Also, nobody visits my webpage using Netscape, so why bother wasting my time?
Good reasons it contains indeed.
Also, nobody visits my webpage using Netscape, so why bother wasting my time?
I wish that would stop trying to hack my computer.
Or stop doing whatever the hell it is they keep trying to do.
I keep getting OPTIONS method requests from their IP.
I assume they're not doing this manually, or they'd have noticed that they get some 400-series error in return.
What is Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600?
Or stop doing whatever the hell it is they keep trying to do.
I keep getting OPTIONS method requests from their IP.
I assume they're not doing this manually, or they'd have noticed that they get some 400-series error in return.
What is Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600?
Why does FTP from Blogger so frequently fail?
"Transfer Error: ERROR: Could not get input/output stream for:"
So... is it Blogger, or
I can connect fine, personally.
Let's click on "help"
"Sorry, no additional information is available for this error. Try publishing again. If you continue to have problems, try checking the How To regarding FTP troubleshooting or discussion forum."
Hm, doesn't "help" me too much.
Let's click on "troubleshooting".
"The page cannot be found"
What now.
"Transfer Error: ERROR: Could not get input/output stream for:"
So... is it Blogger, or
I can connect fine, personally.
Let's click on "help"
"Sorry, no additional information is available for this error. Try publishing again. If you continue to have problems, try checking the How To regarding FTP troubleshooting or discussion forum."
Hm, doesn't "help" me too much.
Let's click on "troubleshooting".
"The page cannot be found"
What now.
"Edge 102, coming to you live from The Kingdom, in order to remind you that this is Friday, and that tomorrow is Saturday, and that you have to write an exam tomorrow, on Saturday, sucker."
But at 3:30 tomorrow, I will be in a very superior mood indeed.
All done exams.
While others have yet to begin...
But at 3:30 tomorrow, I will be in a very superior mood indeed.
All done exams.
While others have yet to begin...
i forget what i was going to say. this window took too long to open up. i hate my computer.
oh wait.
it was going to be me complaining about my tools and applications professor sending too many attachments to our e-mail.
cut and paste isn't that hard.
and attachments are just bad etiquette these days.
(plus, they're always irrelevant to me. i think, hurray! new mail! and then, bah!)
i should probably stop using outlook, though.
wouldn't you think?
but eudora doesn't let me check more than one account without making a whole bunch of profiles, as far as i can tell.
so bah.
i'll just remain secure in the fact that very few people have me in their address book.
printing out lecture notes, lalala.
that somebody else wrote in class on their laptop.
i made the whole front and back of the page printing thing work for once, i'm proud.
not like it's hard, but.
perhaps this is where my suspected dyslexia comes into play again.
i'm glad these exist, because, due also to suspected dyslexia... my notes seem to be written in a language that doesn't exist on this planet.
(see: wrench, and example of my handwriting that i would assume is still hanging around this website).
now it's time to hit the books before the books hits me.
or i hit myself with the books.
that's actually looking like a very real possibility at this point.
more fun than studying, and i won't be conscious to worry about not studying...
"printing complete"
thank you mysterious printer-obsessed lady who lives in my computer.
i don't know why she has to tell me.
it was obvious that printing was complete by the fact that say...
the printer stopped printing?
oh wait.
it was going to be me complaining about my tools and applications professor sending too many attachments to our e-mail.
cut and paste isn't that hard.
and attachments are just bad etiquette these days.
(plus, they're always irrelevant to me. i think, hurray! new mail! and then, bah!)
i should probably stop using outlook, though.
wouldn't you think?
but eudora doesn't let me check more than one account without making a whole bunch of profiles, as far as i can tell.
so bah.
i'll just remain secure in the fact that very few people have me in their address book.
printing out lecture notes, lalala.
that somebody else wrote in class on their laptop.
i made the whole front and back of the page printing thing work for once, i'm proud.
not like it's hard, but.
perhaps this is where my suspected dyslexia comes into play again.
i'm glad these exist, because, due also to suspected dyslexia... my notes seem to be written in a language that doesn't exist on this planet.
(see: wrench, and example of my handwriting that i would assume is still hanging around this website).
now it's time to hit the books before the books hits me.
or i hit myself with the books.
that's actually looking like a very real possibility at this point.
more fun than studying, and i won't be conscious to worry about not studying...
"printing complete"
thank you mysterious printer-obsessed lady who lives in my computer.
i don't know why she has to tell me.
it was obvious that printing was complete by the fact that say...
the printer stopped printing?
Friday, December 07, 2001
"The study found that although a frozen juice box will not keep a sandiwch out of the danger zone, it is a convenient way to slow bacteria growth." (from The Ryersonian)
Is "the danger zone" a scientific term?
Because I remember learning about it in grade eight, with good old Mrs. Bruce.
If your food is in the danger zone, you are in danger of contracting foodborne illness.
We saw a rather disturbing video on the subject.
But I always used to love nonsense like that.
I don't know what it is that makes things like the Don't Cross Contaminate Crossword Puzzle so amusing to me.
I guess kids have to learn SOMEHOW.
But the puzzle doesn't even come close to comparing to
Most disturbing.
Is "the danger zone" a scientific term?
Because I remember learning about it in grade eight, with good old Mrs. Bruce.
If your food is in the danger zone, you are in danger of contracting foodborne illness.
We saw a rather disturbing video on the subject.
But I always used to love nonsense like that.
I don't know what it is that makes things like the Don't Cross Contaminate Crossword Puzzle so amusing to me.
I guess kids have to learn SOMEHOW.
But the puzzle doesn't even come close to comparing to
Most disturbing.
There IS a sixth floor. There are a hell of a lot MORE than six floors. It's not just something out of a fairy tale. Took me some time to figure out how to get up there, though. And once I did, there were a couple other lost looking students peering around cautiously, feeling stupid. But the paper is handed in. Now, according to my schedule, I have a few hours to procrastinate left before Doom Mark II.
Thing is, you seem to want me to agree with your terribly misguided opinion of what must be the intention behind everything I say.
Most likely, that's just a reflection on yourself by yourself.
Because I do not consider myself superior, I do not consider you and asshole, I am neither apathetic, nor detached.
If I had to accuse myself of a crime, I would have to say that at times I say things rather explicitely, and yet simultaneously vaguely.
My attempts to reword or to say things "more humbly" are only meant to clarify, because my intended meaning never seems to come through.
I guess my only action can be to try to be less equivocal.
Or less bitter?
Most likely, that's just a reflection on yourself by yourself.
Because I do not consider myself superior, I do not consider you and asshole, I am neither apathetic, nor detached.
If I had to accuse myself of a crime, I would have to say that at times I say things rather explicitely, and yet simultaneously vaguely.
My attempts to reword or to say things "more humbly" are only meant to clarify, because my intended meaning never seems to come through.
I guess my only action can be to try to be less equivocal.
Or less bitter?
Hm, well since the name Chris expands to Christopher...
Yer second. Happy? :-p
I have the whole arrangement by length thing going on.
Longest to shortest was just most aesthetically pleasing.
If I could put all of the links in the same spot, I'd do it.
But that would be just a little bit... silly?
Like me.
Tomorrow I get to replace the current contents of my brain (what's left of "The Visual Arts: A History") with "Art of the 20th Century"
The pain... oh, the pain.
Yer second. Happy? :-p
I have the whole arrangement by length thing going on.
Longest to shortest was just most aesthetically pleasing.
If I could put all of the links in the same spot, I'd do it.
But that would be just a little bit... silly?
Like me.
Tomorrow I get to replace the current contents of my brain (what's left of "The Visual Arts: A History") with "Art of the 20th Century"
The pain... oh, the pain.
I can actually see the sky tonight...
And all the good stars are southish, so I can see them from the window.
Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Regulus...
But also... Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon.
Back to looking out the window...
I missed the sky.
Toronto needs more damn sky.
The buildings are pretty, especially on such a clear night, but...
I haven't seen Ursa Minor nor Ursa Major
in much, much too long.
And all the good stars are southish, so I can see them from the window.
Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Regulus...
But also... Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon.
Back to looking out the window...
I missed the sky.
Toronto needs more damn sky.
The buildings are pretty, especially on such a clear night, but...
I haven't seen Ursa Minor nor Ursa Major
in much, much too long.
Thursday, December 06, 2001
If I were a work of art, I would be M. C. Escher's Lizards.
I am a bizarre juxtaposition of the real and the unreal. Based in the realm of mathematics, my two-dimensional appearance belies a complex and free-willed behaviour which both delights and confuses people.
Which work of art would you be? The Art Test
Blah Blah Blah
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
Tuesday, December 04, 2001
Ah, so it's only 10 am that the others are writing the art history exam at, then?
Still, that's two hours.
They have an unfair advantage.
I'm thinking I need to sleep before 8 am tomorrow.
Sometime. Somehow.
But there is no time!
I guess I'm wasting time now by doing this.
I'm just going to take a nap...
Couple of hours.
Doom. Doom. DOOM.
Still, that's two hours.
They have an unfair advantage.
I'm thinking I need to sleep before 8 am tomorrow.
Sometime. Somehow.
But there is no time!
I guess I'm wasting time now by doing this.
I'm just going to take a nap...
Couple of hours.
Doom. Doom. DOOM.
Let's think now...
What should I be doing with my time right now...
Studying art history or...
Seems I have nothing else to do...
That won't stop me from doing nothing...
You know, it isn't fair.
Just because I live close to school,
I have to write the exam 4 hours earlier than half of the people in the class.
Do you know how much extra learning I'd be able to pack into four hours?
I mean, I'd probably know twice as much.
When you condense all of your learning for the term down into one day,
four hours is important!
We tried to go to class today.
But we skipped out at the first break.
Hey, but I managed to write down the word Renaissance.
That was all I got out of the lesson, but...
That is an infinitely greater amount of notes than I took any other week since the first month of school.
I'm gonna sing the doom song now.
Doo-doom dee doom doom DOOM!
We're all doomed, DOOMED, DOOMED.
What should I be doing with my time right now...
Studying art history or...
Seems I have nothing else to do...
That won't stop me from doing nothing...
You know, it isn't fair.
Just because I live close to school,
I have to write the exam 4 hours earlier than half of the people in the class.
Do you know how much extra learning I'd be able to pack into four hours?
I mean, I'd probably know twice as much.
When you condense all of your learning for the term down into one day,
four hours is important!
We tried to go to class today.
But we skipped out at the first break.
Hey, but I managed to write down the word Renaissance.
That was all I got out of the lesson, but...
That is an infinitely greater amount of notes than I took any other week since the first month of school.
I'm gonna sing the doom song now.
Doo-doom dee doom doom DOOM!
We're all doomed, DOOMED, DOOMED.
Monday, December 03, 2001
Mayor banishes Satan from Inglis
Interesting, but I think it takes more than an official gold seal to scare Satan away.
According to the town clerk, "kids in town have taken to dressing in all black and painting their faces white, a style known as Goth."
No, my friend, that is a style known as mime.
Interesting, but I think it takes more than an official gold seal to scare Satan away.
According to the town clerk, "kids in town have taken to dressing in all black and painting their faces white, a style known as Goth."
No, my friend, that is a style known as mime.
Sunday, December 02, 2001
I've decided that I will cut my sandwiches in half neither horizontally nor diagonally.
But somewhere in between.
Who says bread is a sqaure.
I say it's diamond-shaped.
And therefore if you cut corner-to-corner,
it's horizontal.
So there.
And what about vertical bread cutting?
The matter isn't as simple as most people like to think.
But somewhere in between.
Who says bread is a sqaure.
I say it's diamond-shaped.
And therefore if you cut corner-to-corner,
it's horizontal.
So there.
And what about vertical bread cutting?
The matter isn't as simple as most people like to think.
Friday, November 30, 2001
fyi: two loads of laundry can be dried at once, for $1
but three loads... will not be dried.
three will take two cycles, so you might as well wait until you've got four.
so... to summarize.
one load: two dollars (wash, dry)
two loads: three dollars (wash, wash, dry)
three loads: five dollars (wash, wash, wash, dry, dry)
four loads: six dollars (wash, wash, wash, wash, dry, dry)
do 'em by twos, folks.
not hard to figure out, but i'd never tried drying three at once before tonight (:
though... hm, this stuff is mostly dry... perhaps tolerable.
but three loads... will not be dried.
three will take two cycles, so you might as well wait until you've got four.
so... to summarize.
one load: two dollars (wash, dry)
two loads: three dollars (wash, wash, dry)
three loads: five dollars (wash, wash, wash, dry, dry)
four loads: six dollars (wash, wash, wash, wash, dry, dry)
do 'em by twos, folks.
not hard to figure out, but i'd never tried drying three at once before tonight (:
though... hm, this stuff is mostly dry... perhaps tolerable.
seen this point made on several other pitman blogs and...
i have this to add:
if i was the sort of person who would be studying for exams already (and yeah, i know there are only a few days left)
i would also be the sort of person who would do it earlier than 8pm
the 12 hour quiet hours wouldn't make any sort of difference to me
unless i wanted to go to bed at 8pm. hmmm...
but geez. get some earplugs or something if you need ABSOLUTE SILENCE.
how do you survive if you need ABSOLUTE SILENCE to be able to think?
i CAN'T think with absolute science.
can i make the following complaint:
need more NOISE to study
please turn up the stereos? please?
bah. my floor is usually quiet, anyway.
i never hear a peep.
i'm also at the very end of the hall, that might contribute some.
i'm also never awake at those hours that "normal" people are awake.
so i guess that might contribute some.
hey, i met some people from my floor i'd never seen before tonight (er, this morning) at 5am, doing laundry.
usually i have free reign of the floor at these hours, if it's not friday or saturday night.
which isn't actually as great as it sounds.
need two people for it to become fun.
no more, no less.
and by this time... (7:30am, you fools), i never see a soul. except those poor, unfortunate people with hideously early classes.
i have this to add:
if i was the sort of person who would be studying for exams already (and yeah, i know there are only a few days left)
i would also be the sort of person who would do it earlier than 8pm
the 12 hour quiet hours wouldn't make any sort of difference to me
unless i wanted to go to bed at 8pm. hmmm...
but geez. get some earplugs or something if you need ABSOLUTE SILENCE.
how do you survive if you need ABSOLUTE SILENCE to be able to think?
i CAN'T think with absolute science.
can i make the following complaint:
need more NOISE to study
please turn up the stereos? please?
bah. my floor is usually quiet, anyway.
i never hear a peep.
i'm also at the very end of the hall, that might contribute some.
i'm also never awake at those hours that "normal" people are awake.
so i guess that might contribute some.
hey, i met some people from my floor i'd never seen before tonight (er, this morning) at 5am, doing laundry.
usually i have free reign of the floor at these hours, if it's not friday or saturday night.
which isn't actually as great as it sounds.
need two people for it to become fun.
no more, no less.
and by this time... (7:30am, you fools), i never see a soul. except those poor, unfortunate people with hideously early classes.
My VCR thinks the picture on my tape is unacceptable for my viewing.
I think that *I* should be the judge of that.
But it will show me nothing but a blue screen.
Look, I'd like to watch the static, okay?
Cause I can see it when I fast forward, and it's not THAT terrible.
Horrible fuzzy picture is better than BLUE SCREEN.
And why is it always blue?
I think that *I* should be the judge of that.
But it will show me nothing but a blue screen.
Look, I'd like to watch the static, okay?
Cause I can see it when I fast forward, and it's not THAT terrible.
Horrible fuzzy picture is better than BLUE SCREEN.
And why is it always blue?
Top Five Hot Chicks (in alphabetical order, cause... bah! They're all equal...):
Gillian Anderson
Shirley Manson
Laura Prepon
Julia Stiles
Alicia Witt
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Actually, I can think of at least two answers here.
Gillian Anderson
Shirley Manson
Laura Prepon
Julia Stiles
Alicia Witt
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Actually, I can think of at least two answers here.
Monday, November 26, 2001
Sunday, November 25, 2001
Have a few drinks tonight, then?
When was the last time you ate?
Do you have an eating disorder?
Are you on CRACK?
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
So many questions, they asked me.
"Kool Haus" is officially the devil.
Times I've been there: two.
Times I've fainted there: two.
Makes me look like a real winner, I'm sure.
I don't need drugs and massive amounts of alcohol to fall unconscious to the floor.
No, for I am the sissiest of all sissies!
Other notable times I have fainted:
History class in grade seven, for no good reason whatsoever.
World religions class in grade 11, because we were being shown a video of some guy cutting his tongue off...
Thinking about... certain piercings.
And not quite, but almost, at the dentist's office, thinking about that drill...
Sissy. Sissy I am.
When was the last time you ate?
Do you have an eating disorder?
Are you on CRACK?
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
So many questions, they asked me.
"Kool Haus" is officially the devil.
Times I've been there: two.
Times I've fainted there: two.
Makes me look like a real winner, I'm sure.
I don't need drugs and massive amounts of alcohol to fall unconscious to the floor.
No, for I am the sissiest of all sissies!
Other notable times I have fainted:
History class in grade seven, for no good reason whatsoever.
World religions class in grade 11, because we were being shown a video of some guy cutting his tongue off...
Thinking about... certain piercings.
And not quite, but almost, at the dentist's office, thinking about that drill...
Sissy. Sissy I am.
Saturday, November 24, 2001
Harry Potter: "The books are humorous and the characters are flat. But, not to put too fine a point on it, adolescents in this school daily learn to do the kinds of things for which the God of Mount Sinai commanded the
death sentence."
death sentence."
Friday, November 23, 2001
Listening to Tom Petty on hold.
Walls (No. 3)
Some days are diamonds
Some days are rocks
Some doors are open
Some roads are blocked
Sundowns are golden
Then fade away
But if I never do nothing
I'm coming back some day
Cause you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
All around your island
There's a barricade
It keeps out the danger
Holds in the pain
Sometimes you're happy
And sometimes you cry
Half of me is ocean
Half of me is sky
But you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
And some things are over
Some things go on
Part of me you carry
And part of me is gone
But you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
The chorus is kinda confusing...
Walls (No. 3)
Some days are diamonds
Some days are rocks
Some doors are open
Some roads are blocked
Sundowns are golden
Then fade away
But if I never do nothing
I'm coming back some day
Cause you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
All around your island
There's a barricade
It keeps out the danger
Holds in the pain
Sometimes you're happy
And sometimes you cry
Half of me is ocean
Half of me is sky
But you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
And some things are over
Some things go on
Part of me you carry
And part of me is gone
But you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All of our service representatives are on customer calls.
Please remain on the line to maintain your priority.
The chorus is kinda confusing...
I am only going to post this for one reason...
Hey, Chris.
I am gother than thou.
(By one point...)
I've never been able to say that before.
Cause I'm not goth, and all.
I wear so much black because... uh...
Shut up!
Gonna wear some grey today.
Prove you all wrong.
I AM 57% GOTH.
Hey, Chris.
I am gother than thou.
(By one point...)
I've never been able to say that before.
Cause I'm not goth, and all.
I wear so much black because... uh...
Shut up!
Gonna wear some grey today.
Prove you all wrong.
I AM 57% GOTH.
Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a
good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps
through my viens, but I can still laugh
at myself.
Thursday, November 22, 2001
I demand of anyone in this building with a Windows ME CD to bring it to me immediately.
You have five minutes.
My computer is being a bitch.
Well, actually, I deleted c:\Windows\OPTIONS\CABS
And just decided that I wanted it back...
Cause damn Sony didn't give me a Windows CD.
So it's either steal someone else's or reformat my C drive.
Which do you think I'd prefer?
You have five minutes.
My computer is being a bitch.
Well, actually, I deleted c:\Windows\OPTIONS\CABS
And just decided that I wanted it back...
Cause damn Sony didn't give me a Windows CD.
So it's either steal someone else's or reformat my C drive.
Which do you think I'd prefer?
Wednesday, November 21, 2001
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Did some research to find out if that AOL commercial (where the woman is relieved that AOL is her ISP because of the results she got searching for "chelsea buns" worrying her about her son, who loves X-Men comics) is really funny. I didn't find any porn on either of those searches. It isn't funny.
Neither is Saturday Night Live.
Neither is Saturday Night Live.
Friday, November 16, 2001
Wait, after seeing Invaders Against Copy Monkeys!, maybe I have more than half a mind, after all. But not today.
Er, information wants to be free, or something.
I don't understand the motives of the creator of this site.
Blah. But anyway.
You cannot very easily "steal" information.
Copying is and entirely different thing.
Er, information wants to be free, or something.
I don't understand the motives of the creator of this site.
Blah. But anyway.
You cannot very easily "steal" information.
Copying is and entirely different thing.
"Be sure to ask me before you use any of these images that I don't own in the first place because they're copyrighted."
Image Nazi, indeed.
Direct quote: "I DO NOT OWN INVADER ZIM! I just screencapped these pictures from my videos."
If you stole the images from TV, I don't see why someone shouldn't steal them from you...
For fanart, maybe you'd deserve credit. Screen captures,
Image Nazi, Link Whore, Lalala. I have half a mind to make 14 times as many screen captures, not put logos on em, and give 'em out free. Just to undermine the stupidity.
Half a mind, mind you, half a mind.
Image Nazi, indeed.
Direct quote: "I DO NOT OWN INVADER ZIM! I just screencapped these pictures from my videos."
If you stole the images from TV, I don't see why someone shouldn't steal them from you...
For fanart, maybe you'd deserve credit. Screen captures,
Image Nazi, Link Whore, Lalala. I have half a mind to make 14 times as many screen captures, not put logos on em, and give 'em out free. Just to undermine the stupidity.
Half a mind, mind you, half a mind.
Thursday, November 15, 2001
Let's see how many times I can type "kill me" before someone comes back on the line.
kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me
the word kill is starting to look funny to me
ooh, a new song.
i looked up the lyrics on the internet.
it's jennifer paige - these days.
i don't like it.
lyrics i look forward to hearing:
Somedays I couldn't get up
I couldn't get down
I'm bored of everything
Somehow a little black cloud rained over me
Someone was makin' me mad
Good turned bad, and I lose everything
To get you back, just to get you back
These days the world's alright
The sun shines bright
I'm kickin' out the bad dreams
These days I don't think twice
Walk on life
I'm positively somewhere
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on and on and on and on
And on
I'm out of the fire, into the flame, oh
Sometimes I drown my tears
The same old fears came by
Someone was makin' me ill
I bet you're still a 2, 3, 4 little word
Yes, you heard
Pretty little birds fly home
These days the sun kicks in
The good guys win
I'm legal in the backseat
These days I'm safe and sound
Not dragged down
You wanna know the reason
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on and on and on and on
Thank you for hidin' in here
Wallowing in mud, sleeping in my head
Tossin' and turnin' and messin' up the sheets
The love we made was incomplete
Like the shoes on your feet
The same stuff, I've heard it before
That philosophy's started to bore me
Now you won't have to smile
And ignore me
These days the karma's right
The sun shines bright
I'm kickin' out the bad dreams
These days I don't think twice
Walk on life
I'm positively somewhere
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Just look at these days comin' on
Just look at these days comin' on
Oh yeah, oh yeah
back to kill me
kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill
an actual person!
kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me
the word kill is starting to look funny to me
ooh, a new song.
i looked up the lyrics on the internet.
it's jennifer paige - these days.
i don't like it.
lyrics i look forward to hearing:
Somedays I couldn't get up
I couldn't get down
I'm bored of everything
Somehow a little black cloud rained over me
Someone was makin' me mad
Good turned bad, and I lose everything
To get you back, just to get you back
These days the world's alright
The sun shines bright
I'm kickin' out the bad dreams
These days I don't think twice
Walk on life
I'm positively somewhere
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on and on and on and on
And on
I'm out of the fire, into the flame, oh
Sometimes I drown my tears
The same old fears came by
Someone was makin' me ill
I bet you're still a 2, 3, 4 little word
Yes, you heard
Pretty little birds fly home
These days the sun kicks in
The good guys win
I'm legal in the backseat
These days I'm safe and sound
Not dragged down
You wanna know the reason
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on
Not only left 'til you've gone
These days go on and on and on and on
Thank you for hidin' in here
Wallowing in mud, sleeping in my head
Tossin' and turnin' and messin' up the sheets
The love we made was incomplete
Like the shoes on your feet
The same stuff, I've heard it before
That philosophy's started to bore me
Now you won't have to smile
And ignore me
These days the karma's right
The sun shines bright
I'm kickin' out the bad dreams
These days I don't think twice
Walk on life
I'm positively somewhere
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
These days go on
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah, look at these days
On and on and on and on and on
Just look at these days comin' on
Just look at these days comin' on
Oh yeah, oh yeah
back to kill me
kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill
an actual person!
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
"Your arguments make sense for your context but also demonstrate how unwilling you are to understand that you are not the centre point of reference."
I promise you(pl.):
I will NEVER understand that I am not the centre point of reference.
It's MY universe. Deal with it.
My context
is the ONLY context
that matters!
I promise you(pl.):
I will NEVER understand that I am not the centre point of reference.
It's MY universe. Deal with it.
My context
is the ONLY context
that matters!
Saturday, November 10, 2001
I've complained about this before, I know.
But for lack of anything new to complain about...
Here's this again.
One of my pet peeves.
Hasn't been mentioned in a long while.
Just got some spam in my inbox
(that's not even what I'm complaining about,
I've come to accept the spam by now)
about a birdfeeder that prevents squirrels from eating the seed.
What is wrong with squirrels?
Squirrels need to eat, too, you know.
It's discrimination, really.
Come on... squirrels are cute and fuzzy.
And hell,
more interesting to look at than birds.
Squirrels have character.
Birds are just all
hop hop hop peck hop peck.
Which is another way in which squirrels are superior to birds.
Squirrels don't wake me up in the morning.
OW! MY BRAIN! The phone is so goddamned loud.
My mom just called from the car.
They're here to pick me up.
Oh, joy.
See yer later.
But for lack of anything new to complain about...
Here's this again.
One of my pet peeves.
Hasn't been mentioned in a long while.
Just got some spam in my inbox
(that's not even what I'm complaining about,
I've come to accept the spam by now)
about a birdfeeder that prevents squirrels from eating the seed.
What is wrong with squirrels?
Squirrels need to eat, too, you know.
It's discrimination, really.
Come on... squirrels are cute and fuzzy.
And hell,
more interesting to look at than birds.
Squirrels have character.
Birds are just all
hop hop hop peck hop peck.
Which is another way in which squirrels are superior to birds.
Squirrels don't wake me up in the morning.
OW! MY BRAIN! The phone is so goddamned loud.
My mom just called from the car.
They're here to pick me up.
Oh, joy.
See yer later.
Friday, November 09, 2001
I've been trying to think of a way to link to under my umbrella without using the word cute.
Can't do it.
Hate the word, angers me so when it is applied to me, but
can't do it.
I think it's the little frowning cloud...
Creator (one Sophie) appears to wear the same eyeglasses as I do.
Which is probably (as most things i say generally are)
very much less interesting than I think it is.
Maybe if I had used the word spectacles.
Can't do it.
Hate the word, angers me so when it is applied to me, but
can't do it.
I think it's the little frowning cloud...
Creator (one Sophie) appears to wear the same eyeglasses as I do.
Which is probably (as most things i say generally are)
very much less interesting than I think it is.
Maybe if I had used the word spectacles.
It's 9 am.
Candice is awake.
Not ony that, but she's been awake for over two hours.
Is the apocalypse upon us?
Most certainly.
Well, I only got about 20 hours of sleep yesterday.
And the result is that I appear to be on some sort of "normal" schedule now.
So what does one do during the day?
I don't even know anymore.
Presently, I'm doing my laundry.
After that, clean the room.
And then perhaps... go to class on a Friday for once.
No, that might be stretching it.
I wish I had more than $10.12 in my bank account.
Because I feel like buying things.
That $10.12 is reserved for developing film for design and composition on Wednesday. And for not starving, should I fail to get up before 11pm (and it happens often) in the near future.
Do you know, I haven't been awake between the hours of 3pm and 11pm for at least a week and a half?
Is this a problem?
Is this a symptom of a much deeper seated problem?
Most certainly.
I should just start telling people that I'm a vampire.
Because while people who think they're vampires are losers,
right now I'm a loser with no excuse.
being the queen of excuses, I'm sure I could come up with one.
A good one.
It's just that I don't much feel like thinking lately.
I sleep too much.
I sleep far too much.
I'm just too... something or other... to find anything better to do.
Most certainly.
Candice is awake.
Not ony that, but she's been awake for over two hours.
Is the apocalypse upon us?
Most certainly.
Well, I only got about 20 hours of sleep yesterday.
And the result is that I appear to be on some sort of "normal" schedule now.
So what does one do during the day?
I don't even know anymore.
Presently, I'm doing my laundry.
After that, clean the room.
And then perhaps... go to class on a Friday for once.
No, that might be stretching it.
I wish I had more than $10.12 in my bank account.
Because I feel like buying things.
That $10.12 is reserved for developing film for design and composition on Wednesday. And for not starving, should I fail to get up before 11pm (and it happens often) in the near future.
Do you know, I haven't been awake between the hours of 3pm and 11pm for at least a week and a half?
Is this a problem?
Is this a symptom of a much deeper seated problem?
Most certainly.
I should just start telling people that I'm a vampire.
Because while people who think they're vampires are losers,
right now I'm a loser with no excuse.
being the queen of excuses, I'm sure I could come up with one.
A good one.
It's just that I don't much feel like thinking lately.
I sleep too much.
I sleep far too much.
I'm just too... something or other... to find anything better to do.
Most certainly.
Thursday, November 08, 2001
Assoziations-Blaster is like Everything2, but not... It's "the interactive text network with automatic non-linear real-time linking."
Occupying me quite well.
Occupying me quite well.
Friday, November 02, 2001
now we know why my loans weren't deposited
i'm dyslexic!
wrote the account number wrong.
bet whoever that was that got the money enjoyed that. haha.
but you would not believe how many damn times i checked the numbers, because i know i tend not to be able to copy them down right.
didn't see a problem before i handed the forms in
didn't see a problem after i handed the forms in
didn't see a problem until i read the number out to the guy on the phone.
then i smacked myself in the forehead.
i seriously have some kind of problem.
hey, and i still managed to get mid-90s in math last year.
must be some kind of genius.
but it feels dumb to make all your mistakes by putting the decimal point in the wrong place...
watch me smack my forehead again...
oh well, $28 will last me 8-10 business days, right?
now we know why my loans weren't deposited
i'm dyslexic!
wrote the account number wrong.
bet whoever that was that got the money enjoyed that. haha.
but you would not believe how many damn times i checked the numbers, because i know i tend not to be able to copy them down right.
didn't see a problem before i handed the forms in
didn't see a problem after i handed the forms in
didn't see a problem until i read the number out to the guy on the phone.
then i smacked myself in the forehead.
i seriously have some kind of problem.
hey, and i still managed to get mid-90s in math last year.
must be some kind of genius.
but it feels dumb to make all your mistakes by putting the decimal point in the wrong place...
watch me smack my forehead again...
oh well, $28 will last me 8-10 business days, right?
Thursday, November 01, 2001
I do care.
Why do I cut the sandwich diagonally?
Let's stop that from now on and see what happens...
The future forks here.
The great sandwich event.
I hope this isn't the wrong decision.
Will my life be better if I cut them horizontally or diagonally, do you think?
Oh, I have complicated matters so!
It's okay now, though.
I ate the sandwich.
I do care.
Why do I cut the sandwich diagonally?
Let's stop that from now on and see what happens...
The future forks here.
The great sandwich event.
I hope this isn't the wrong decision.
Will my life be better if I cut them horizontally or diagonally, do you think?
Oh, I have complicated matters so!
It's okay now, though.
I ate the sandwich.
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
After an Online Ruckus, Microsoft Opens MSN Site to All
(NY Times article, so you have to do that annoying signing-in BS... blah!)
"Microsoft is trying to make the Web into its own private property."
Yes. Yes they are.
See, that's what a website IS.
It's your own private property.
If I didn't want to allow Netscape users into my website,
too fucking bad.
I don't have to.
So there.
You do not have a right to look at my website.
You can launch public outcry all you like.
(Most of) the Internet is not public property.
This is the same argument I have about smoking in restaurants.
There is nothing written that says you have the right to fine dining.
Resaraunts are private establishments, owned by somebody.
If you ask me, they should have the right to tell people what they can and cannot do inside their doors...
If you don't like smoke,
boo hoo.
Boo fucking hoo.
Go somewhere else.
Or don't go anywhere at all.
As I said.
Nobody owes you smoke-free meals.
It might be a profitable service to provide it for you but
If somebody doesn't want to do that
Oh go cry me a river!
And I don't smoke.
I hate the smell of smoke.
I wouldn't go to a restaurant that smelled like smoke all the time.
If I had a restaurant, there would be no smoking allowed.
But that'd be because I own the place, and I don't like it.
See, these are the kind of rules you can make up when you own something.
Just because you own it.
Just because you feel like it.
Back to MSN.
Anticompetitive gesture?
"Microsoft has built a site that works best with their browser."
Sounds like a logical thing to want to do to me.
Gonna cry about it?
Gonna cry?
Download Internet Explorer and like it,
The right to free speech.
The right to bear arms
The right to access the Microsoft Network?
I have not heard of this part of the U.S. Constitution.
But then again,
that country is messed up.
And apparently full of whiners.
Let's kick them in the head.
All of them.
A good booting for all.
The whole concept of this story, well...
You're complaining cause you can't get into MSN?
Why the hell do you want to do that in the first place?
I'd be like...
(NY Times article, so you have to do that annoying signing-in BS... blah!)
"Microsoft is trying to make the Web into its own private property."
Yes. Yes they are.
See, that's what a website IS.
It's your own private property.
If I didn't want to allow Netscape users into my website,
too fucking bad.
I don't have to.
So there.
You do not have a right to look at my website.
You can launch public outcry all you like.
(Most of) the Internet is not public property.
This is the same argument I have about smoking in restaurants.
There is nothing written that says you have the right to fine dining.
Resaraunts are private establishments, owned by somebody.
If you ask me, they should have the right to tell people what they can and cannot do inside their doors...
If you don't like smoke,
boo hoo.
Boo fucking hoo.
Go somewhere else.
Or don't go anywhere at all.
As I said.
Nobody owes you smoke-free meals.
It might be a profitable service to provide it for you but
If somebody doesn't want to do that
Oh go cry me a river!
And I don't smoke.
I hate the smell of smoke.
I wouldn't go to a restaurant that smelled like smoke all the time.
If I had a restaurant, there would be no smoking allowed.
But that'd be because I own the place, and I don't like it.
See, these are the kind of rules you can make up when you own something.
Just because you own it.
Just because you feel like it.
Back to MSN.
Anticompetitive gesture?
"Microsoft has built a site that works best with their browser."
Sounds like a logical thing to want to do to me.
Gonna cry about it?
Gonna cry?
Download Internet Explorer and like it,
The right to free speech.
The right to bear arms
The right to access the Microsoft Network?
I have not heard of this part of the U.S. Constitution.
But then again,
that country is messed up.
And apparently full of whiners.
Let's kick them in the head.
All of them.
A good booting for all.
The whole concept of this story, well...
You're complaining cause you can't get into MSN?
Why the hell do you want to do that in the first place?
I'd be like...
Sunday, October 28, 2001
Saturday, October 27, 2001
Friday, October 26, 2001
Thursday, October 25, 2001
Playing with the Daypop Top 40 List again (what is the point of reading any other blog, really, when all the links are the same, anywhere you go?) and blah.
Felt the need to link to one of the links.
I guess that must be why it's in the top 40. Huh.
There is a test (and half of the top 40 always seem to be tests...) that allows you to find out what the animal in you is.
I'm a bat, apparently.
Oh, how goth of me.
How typical.
Felt the need to link to one of the links.
I guess that must be why it's in the top 40. Huh.
There is a test (and half of the top 40 always seem to be tests...) that allows you to find out what the animal in you is.
I'm a bat, apparently.
Oh, how goth of me.
How typical.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
Monday, October 22, 2001
"Definately worth a look, especially if you've just taken a liberal dose of an illegal narcotic."
a description of questionable accuracy
(if only because i don't use a lot of illegal narcotics
alTHOUGh, i'm on some pretty nice legal ones right now
mmm, tylenol with codeine
and caffeine
okay so THAT's why i'm not sleepy...
at 5:45 am...)
parentheses shall be my downfall.
written by one chris
on one blog called
kept seeing it in my refer logs
and thinking
how interesting
all these people coming from this one site
and twiddling my thumbs
(does anyone actually do that?)
never bothered to... say...
really read it or anything
actually there are an awful lot of words there
but i looked at the pictures
those were some pictures alright
apparently this
lives on floor 11
or so i gather
which is interesting
for all i know, he could be directly below me
as this is floor
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
10, 11, 12
ladybugs came
to the ladybug's picnic
getting drunk alone?
and playing computer risk?
less pathetic than
NOT getting drunk alone
and NOT playing computer risk
i miss computer risk
it's fun to kick the computer's ass
take that lousy compoooter
think you're so smrt?
you CTRL the electronic dice
and you STILL can't win
i still want a sandwich
a description of questionable accuracy
(if only because i don't use a lot of illegal narcotics
alTHOUGh, i'm on some pretty nice legal ones right now
mmm, tylenol with codeine
and caffeine
okay so THAT's why i'm not sleepy...
at 5:45 am...)
parentheses shall be my downfall.
written by one chris
on one blog called
kept seeing it in my refer logs
and thinking
how interesting
all these people coming from this one site
and twiddling my thumbs
(does anyone actually do that?)
never bothered to... say...
really read it or anything
actually there are an awful lot of words there
but i looked at the pictures
those were some pictures alright
apparently this
lives on floor 11
or so i gather
which is interesting
for all i know, he could be directly below me
as this is floor
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
10, 11, 12
ladybugs came
to the ladybug's picnic
getting drunk alone?
and playing computer risk?
less pathetic than
NOT getting drunk alone
and NOT playing computer risk
i miss computer risk
it's fun to kick the computer's ass
take that lousy compoooter
think you're so smrt?
you CTRL the electronic dice
and you STILL can't win
i still want a sandwich
i feel i should clarify the last entry
the spam
and the sandwich
those were two completely
please do not make me a
spam sandwich
but do make me a sandwich
so hungry
you're a sandwich
i suppose i could do it myself
but be assured
i am extremely disappointed in you
i thought you were my friend
if you really loved me....
the spam
and the sandwich
those were two completely
please do not make me a
spam sandwich
but do make me a sandwich
so hungry
you're a sandwich
i suppose i could do it myself
but be assured
i am extremely disappointed in you
i thought you were my friend
if you really loved me....
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Friday, October 19, 2001
Thursday, October 18, 2001
Most detestable spelling error ever: conceded.
It's conceited, dammit!
Conceded is a word, yes.
But not the one you're trying to use.
Second most detestable spelling error ever: noone.
And another, while not technically a spelling error: "your hot asl"
There are several things wrong with the preceding.
It's conceited, dammit!
Conceded is a word, yes.
But not the one you're trying to use.
Second most detestable spelling error ever: noone.
And another, while not technically a spelling error: "your hot asl"
There are several things wrong with the preceding.
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Sunday, October 07, 2001
CBC News: Ladybug boom follows aphid infestation
I knew there was an explanation... I should have been able to figure that out... where is my logic?
I knew there was an explanation... I should have been able to figure that out... where is my logic?
BBC News - US launches 'anti-terror' satellite "Before 1996 the [US National Reconnaissance Office] did not publicly disclose the launches of its satellites."
I wonder why. Do you like the idea of satellites in the sky that can pick out object 10 cm across on the ground, monitor conversations, see with infared... I like to think that most people don't but... Of course, NOW it's entirely acceptable. Guh.
This story, i just find bizarre.
I wonder why. Do you like the idea of satellites in the sky that can pick out object 10 cm across on the ground, monitor conversations, see with infared... I like to think that most people don't but... Of course, NOW it's entirely acceptable. Guh.
This story, i just find bizarre.
Tuesday, October 02, 2001
Yet again, the universe has proven that I've been given more than my fair share of the world's luck supply. Woke up already an hour late for class (for no particular reason, I mean, I got over 15 hours of sleep last night), and found that it was cancelled. Probably just for me... They were all so distraught that I wasn't there that they packed up and left. Yeah, I wish. Of course, it took me a while to find out that the class was cancelled and not just moved to a different location, despite the signs on the doors (hey, I'd been awake only 10 minutes, okay?). Somebody eventually had to tell me. Wow, don't I feel stupid. Wheee. I'm in the computer lab upstairs in the Image Arts building because... too lazy to walk allll the way back, half a block to res.
Something I've noticed while I've been sitting here typing...
Looking at a non-flat computer screen...
Is hella weird.
Haven't used a computer with one of these for...
who even knows.
I'm going home now.
Project to work on.
Other project to buy
"black adhesive film"
Ack. And must purchase a zip disk for Production class.
Don't let me forget. Okay?
Something I've noticed while I've been sitting here typing...
Looking at a non-flat computer screen...
Is hella weird.
Haven't used a computer with one of these for...
who even knows.
I'm going home now.
Project to work on.
Other project to buy
"black adhesive film"
Ack. And must purchase a zip disk for Production class.
Don't let me forget. Okay?
Saturday, September 22, 2001
Thursday, September 20, 2001
Friday, September 14, 2001
Gonna teach myself basic electronics cause I'm bored, bored, bored. BeCAUSE... right now I just know that all these parts look cool... I don't really know how to use them. So most of what I make doesn't do anything, it just... looks pretty. But if I teach myself things, I can make things with motors and lights, whoooeeee!~
And I fully intend to do it by class on Tuesday.
Won't be hard, I HOPE, because I do know BASIC basic electronics... And I know that I do take easily to these things. Lalala.
And I fully intend to do it by class on Tuesday.
Won't be hard, I HOPE, because I do know BASIC basic electronics... And I know that I do take easily to these things. Lalala.
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Seen the new X10 popup? (Not a hard thing to run into...)
"We have suspended our service out of sympathy to the victims and families of this National tragedy. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to them."
Even so, we still must destroy X10.
"We have suspended our service out of sympathy to the victims and families of this National tragedy. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to them."
Even so, we still must destroy X10.
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" -
Nostradamus 1654
Nostradamus is BS, but still. Interesting.
[ed. 11:06 pm - fake quote? ah, quite likely. hey, it's BS either way.]
Nostradamus 1654
Nostradamus is BS, but still. Interesting.
[ed. 11:06 pm - fake quote? ah, quite likely. hey, it's BS either way.]
"Her hair is an atomic explosion and the necklace is a chain reaction."
"Caution! The content presented on this web site might be of alien origins and therefore may be hazardous to your belief system. Those lacking Microwave or High Voltage experience are warned not to attempt construction of the Radio-Gravitics Unit as decoded from ancient pictoglyphic schematics."
"Caution! The content presented on this web site might be of alien origins and therefore may be hazardous to your belief system. Those lacking Microwave or High Voltage experience are warned not to attempt construction of the Radio-Gravitics Unit as decoded from ancient pictoglyphic schematics."
Monday, September 10, 2001
Saturday, September 08, 2001
Free Meat:
"The easiest way is just read the paper. Every day there are people looking to give away dogs and cats and all kinds of animals. That's God's way of saying 'Free meat to Godly home'."
It reminds me about one of the busdrivers from my old public school. I was never on her route, luckily. But according to my friends who were, especially one who was at the very end of the route, she used to pull the bus over if she saw roadkill, and drag it onto the bus to take home for dinner. My friend learned much about eating roadkill on these trips: you can't eat owls because they're "too gristly", and you can't eat anything more than a few days old, because it'll be "too wormy."
Once on a dare, my friend asked to borrow the bus driver's cookbook, and succeeded. She brought it to school for us all to see. The bus driver thought she might actually be interested in cooking up some of these dishes. I feel sorry for that bus driver's kids and...
Have I mentioned how glad I am to be out of Puslinch?
But back to the website, which is about a much worse source of food than the side of the road. Don't eat kitties!
Am I supposed to believe this is serious?
Because who is able to put together an entire website like this, and yet hasn't enough intelligence to see anything wrong with saying "I don't got a scanner," or "they don't got that inner fur what some northern animals got," or "I aint spent more than $15 in the last year on meat."
Besides, it's got the usual FAQ page that every other joke site's got.
So there you go JESSE (hah, cause you were so concerned about the last one). I pronounce this site BS. Pisstake indeed.
"The easiest way is just read the paper. Every day there are people looking to give away dogs and cats and all kinds of animals. That's God's way of saying 'Free meat to Godly home'."
It reminds me about one of the busdrivers from my old public school. I was never on her route, luckily. But according to my friends who were, especially one who was at the very end of the route, she used to pull the bus over if she saw roadkill, and drag it onto the bus to take home for dinner. My friend learned much about eating roadkill on these trips: you can't eat owls because they're "too gristly", and you can't eat anything more than a few days old, because it'll be "too wormy."
Once on a dare, my friend asked to borrow the bus driver's cookbook, and succeeded. She brought it to school for us all to see. The bus driver thought she might actually be interested in cooking up some of these dishes. I feel sorry for that bus driver's kids and...
Have I mentioned how glad I am to be out of Puslinch?
But back to the website, which is about a much worse source of food than the side of the road. Don't eat kitties!
Am I supposed to believe this is serious?
Because who is able to put together an entire website like this, and yet hasn't enough intelligence to see anything wrong with saying "I don't got a scanner," or "they don't got that inner fur what some northern animals got," or "I aint spent more than $15 in the last year on meat."
Besides, it's got the usual FAQ page that every other joke site's got.
So there you go JESSE (hah, cause you were so concerned about the last one). I pronounce this site BS. Pisstake indeed.
Friday, September 07, 2001
Wednesday, September 05, 2001
Website I'll be working on as part of my New Media program:
New e-mail address, in case you want variety or something:
New e-mail address, in case you want variety or something:
Monday, September 03, 2001
For future reference: SOCAN (The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) plans to make a decision regarding web licensing. Eventually. Hasn't been updated since last December.
Also interesting: list of SOCAN tariffs approved by The Copyright Board of Canada.
Also interesting: list of SOCAN tariffs approved by The Copyright Board of Canada.
Saturday, September 01, 2001
Aeeeeeeiiii!!!! Just again with pots and wooden spoons have again I been woken and like it I do not! And the unacceptably loudness of the playing of Weezer. What wants they? Please to be leaving me alone. Wake up says they. Please be with the waking of up. It is not even ten. Well awake I now I, guesses do I. Fine then fine. So what wants they... Scavenger hunting thinks they that I should go. Early it is TOOOOOO!
Friday, August 31, 2001
E-mail told me something useful for once. COME PART MENTAL: an exhibition Floria Sigismondi, September 14 to October 28, 2001, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art: Pretty Information / Detailed Information.
Pureblank a hardcore/metalcore band from Guelph Ont. featuring ex-members of :sik: and neva will be playing their debut show Saturday September 8th at the trasheteria (52 macdonell street downtown Guelph) with Darkest Hour (victory records) The End and Childproof. Doors are at 5pm, Pureblank opens at 5:30, only $6.00 at the door. You can check out pureblanks temporary official website at
Please forward and help get the word out thanks [done, and done, ctg.]
Please forward and help get the word out thanks [done, and done, ctg.]
Monday, August 27, 2001
Friday, August 24, 2001
Thursday, August 23, 2001
Here you go, picture of me and.... well.... it hasn't got a name. But, here:
Jay the Juiceman is the coolest. Ben, you'd better recognize the Power of Juicing.
I just had to link those. Again. I might also link to his picture on Am I Annoying or Not? because it's got things straight:
"He is the scariest person in this solar system.
He may be an extra terrestrial."

Jay the Juiceman is the coolest. Ben, you'd better recognize the Power of Juicing.
I just had to link those. Again. I might also link to his picture on Am I Annoying or Not? because it's got things straight:
"He is the scariest person in this solar system.
He may be an extra terrestrial."
My sister says I'm odd because I just finished adding two 1/4 lb. bags of rubberbands to my rubberband ball (which now has a five inch diameter, I guess I'll take a pic later). And yet she is the one walking around the house with a cutout cartoon of Dave Thomas on a stick saying "Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy's says not to be so rude." I'm concerned about that girl's sanity.
I am now unemployed, thank God/Eris/Bob. I've never read much about Tim Horton, but I think he's the Devil/Greyface/a pinkboy.
Now... two days left to pack up everything I own. Um.
I am now unemployed, thank God/Eris/Bob. I've never read much about Tim Horton, but I think he's the Devil/Greyface/a pinkboy.
Now... two days left to pack up everything I own. Um.
Friday, August 17, 2001
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
My new favourite band: Skellator. Er. Or not!
Anyway, here's a story. A couple of days ago, a guy came into Timmy's. And he had a dime stuck in his chest hair. Just sitting all snug in there like a baby bird in a nest. And that is the most interesting thing that's happened to me in a while.
And that, my friends, is sad.
There is a guy who comes in every day and orders the chili in a breadbowl deal. He substitutes the medium coffee for a large coke (with no ice) and the donut for two cookies. Costs him about $6.52, I believe.
And what I want to know is this.
He always sits in the same spot. The quietest corner of the smoking room (it's nice in there, it's air-conditioned) and reads. Sometimes for several hours.
If somebody was already sitting there, what would he do?
And what if we ran out of chili?
And what is he reading that makes him want to stick around Tim Hortons so long?
Cause I sure as hell wouldn't.
Or is it just the fact that I'm working that makes it seem like forever.
The small double-double ($1.05) and three plain old-fashioned Timbits for his dog (free) guy is moving to Vancouver. He won't be back in the store anymore after next week. And neither will I. And that... is... excellent!
Anyway, here's a story. A couple of days ago, a guy came into Timmy's. And he had a dime stuck in his chest hair. Just sitting all snug in there like a baby bird in a nest. And that is the most interesting thing that's happened to me in a while.
And that, my friends, is sad.
There is a guy who comes in every day and orders the chili in a breadbowl deal. He substitutes the medium coffee for a large coke (with no ice) and the donut for two cookies. Costs him about $6.52, I believe.
And what I want to know is this.
He always sits in the same spot. The quietest corner of the smoking room (it's nice in there, it's air-conditioned) and reads. Sometimes for several hours.
If somebody was already sitting there, what would he do?
And what if we ran out of chili?
And what is he reading that makes him want to stick around Tim Hortons so long?
Cause I sure as hell wouldn't.
Or is it just the fact that I'm working that makes it seem like forever.
The small double-double ($1.05) and three plain old-fashioned Timbits for his dog (free) guy is moving to Vancouver. He won't be back in the store anymore after next week. And neither will I. And that... is... excellent!
Friday, August 10, 2001
"Ever since the extremely truthful experiments Freud performed on his patients during the studies of psychoanalysis we have learned much on the topic of the human mind. In recent years the study of colours and their effects on the human brain have been quite extensive, branching from mood and emotional simulants, to even mind control.
"As many of you would believe, the US Army, along with other American organizations, attempted to use this new knowledge in order to prove a stronger fit in the cold war. But in the last three years most of the documentation covering the experiments performed on random civilian subjects [although not admitted openly] has been de-classified.
"I have had the chance to look through these and have gathered enough knowledge on the subject to make correct assumptions. For example, did you know that the bright lime colour with the red value between the range of 150.3 and 153.7 without any blue, and a full 255 of green will cause any viewer to become open to ideas and opinions?
"That's right, as the studies showed, subjects made to read textual information in the format of an opinion were 85% more likely to agree and believe in that opinion than with any other colour. For more info see this link".
Of course, I have instinctively known these facts all along. You thought I only wanted to hurt your brain, when in actuality I've been in control of its every thought. Not even bringing this to your direct attention can dilute the effect...
Now if only I could come up with some useful or at least entertaining applications of this theory...
"As many of you would believe, the US Army, along with other American organizations, attempted to use this new knowledge in order to prove a stronger fit in the cold war. But in the last three years most of the documentation covering the experiments performed on random civilian subjects [although not admitted openly] has been de-classified.
"I have had the chance to look through these and have gathered enough knowledge on the subject to make correct assumptions. For example, did you know that the bright lime colour with the red value between the range of 150.3 and 153.7 without any blue, and a full 255 of green will cause any viewer to become open to ideas and opinions?
"That's right, as the studies showed, subjects made to read textual information in the format of an opinion were 85% more likely to agree and believe in that opinion than with any other colour. For more info see this link".
Of course, I have instinctively known these facts all along. You thought I only wanted to hurt your brain, when in actuality I've been in control of its every thought. Not even bringing this to your direct attention can dilute the effect...
Now if only I could come up with some useful or at least entertaining applications of this theory...
Thursday, August 09, 2001
The annoying thing about finding in your logs that people have been referred to your site through an e-mail is that you can't tell what that e-mail said, nor who sent it, nor to whom. So identify yourselves. At once! This involves up to six people (it's happened three times), and I want your names, chop chop!
(Note to self:
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.)
(Note to self:
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.
Stop obsessing over logs.)
Tuesday, August 07, 2001
Ah, the miracle of Coca-Cola. Whatever. I think my mother has gone mad. She's soaking our plates in it. She's pouring it down the drains. She's running it through the dishwasher... It's MAGIC. Or something.
I must say, though.. These are all better ideas than drinking that horrible stuff. Tastes awful. Burns your throat. Soda is such a silly thing. Carbonation... what kind of idea is that. It hurts me.
Also related... and frightening: Refreshing Your Business (a Coke site that was taken down when the general public started visiting. Too bad it's been copied elsewhere, huh? lol), Coke Cult (just sick).
I must say, though.. These are all better ideas than drinking that horrible stuff. Tastes awful. Burns your throat. Soda is such a silly thing. Carbonation... what kind of idea is that. It hurts me.
Also related... and frightening: Refreshing Your Business (a Coke site that was taken down when the general public started visiting. Too bad it's been copied elsewhere, huh? lol), Coke Cult (just sick).
Monday, August 06, 2001
Heyyyy... the layers on this page are all overlappy on the browser on this computer... that won't do at all!
I'd fix it, but... I'd rather just say: nobody on planet Earth is allowed to use IE 4 any longer. Nor Netscape, because I can't be bothered to dowload it to check out what hideous things it does to mutilate this page.
I'd fix it, but... I'd rather just say: nobody on planet Earth is allowed to use IE 4 any longer. Nor Netscape, because I can't be bothered to dowload it to check out what hideous things it does to mutilate this page.
Went to my grandparents' tonight. Youse all. With my whole family. Wow, it sure was a blast. Definitely worth the drive to Acton. I'm serious. That isn't sarcasm at all. I mean, we all sat around and watched The Weakest Link and drank diet soda. Nothing beats that. Youse all.
Friday, August 03, 2001
Thursday, August 02, 2001
Wednesday, August 01, 2001
So, I went a little nuts. I decided that the tables on this page needed tidying up, and so... I got rid of all of them (that's all of them) and formatted the page with CSS instead. A couple of little glitches (i.e. I need to edit all of my date images), but I think I got it working. And now... no more brain usage for me for a while.
Tuesday, July 31, 2001
Comment I found on (all by myself, BTW. Pah!): "Web logs make me nuts. It's a pretentious circle of self-important webheads who think the rest of the world is interested in what movie they saw last night. News flash: they're not. The only people who read blogs are other bloggers."
Hey, wanna know what results I got on this really neat personality disorder test I took the other day?
All of you.
All of you.
It was against everything I stand for to link to that site, but it had to be done.
Not that I stand for anything.
Or anything.
Hey, wanna know what results I got on this really neat personality disorder test I took the other day?
All of you.
All of you.
It was against everything I stand for to link to that site, but it had to be done.
Not that I stand for anything.
Or anything.
Monday, July 30, 2001
Apparently the Government of Canada is going through some sort of copyright reform process. I haven't read all of these pages through yet. But I'm sure there are some bits of it that will piss me off later, when I do. Because as I scan through it, I keep picking out little words like "prevent," "prohibit." I'm finding a lot of these words in sentences referring to the Internet and especially online file sharing. See, here's a bit I don't like: "Domestically, some copyright stakeholders have indicated that in the absence of a prohibition against the manufacture and traffic in circumvention devices, would-be infringers can legally access the means that enable infringement. [dot dot dot] The departments have considered the possibility of restricting or prohibiting the traffic in circumvention devices." Though the same section (4.2 Legal Protection of Technological Measures) explains that this possibility is quite unrealistic, I still think they better make sure to leave it the hell alone (er, they make this point as well... ("There is concern that the Copyright Act may not be the proper instrument for protection measures that, prima facie, are extraneous to copyright principles.")
The site also reminded me how pissed off I still am about the levy on blank audio recording media (Bill C-32) (BTW, why did I never hear that this was increased? Seems everyone has lost interest, but the Government keeps going...)
I also have issues with the possibility of an increased term of protection for copyright from life plus 50 years to life plus 70. The United States has done this already, thus allowing the copyright on Mickey Mouse to be extended 20 years from it's old expiry date of 2004. As it stands, Mickey will become public domain in 2024 in the U.S., but I am reading, it may be legal to use Mickey in Canada within three years. The date will be extended, though, you can count on that. The corporations will see to it.
Okay, I'm totally lost in what I'm saying now... Let's stop typing!
The site also reminded me how pissed off I still am about the levy on blank audio recording media (Bill C-32) (BTW, why did I never hear that this was increased? Seems everyone has lost interest, but the Government keeps going...)
I also have issues with the possibility of an increased term of protection for copyright from life plus 50 years to life plus 70. The United States has done this already, thus allowing the copyright on Mickey Mouse to be extended 20 years from it's old expiry date of 2004. As it stands, Mickey will become public domain in 2024 in the U.S., but I am reading, it may be legal to use Mickey in Canada within three years. The date will be extended, though, you can count on that. The corporations will see to it.
Okay, I'm totally lost in what I'm saying now... Let's stop typing!
No More Periods, Period? "Dr. David Cohen, a specialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Chicago, doesn't think women in general will be opposed to not bleeding every month."
Damn straight...
Damn straight...
Saturday, July 28, 2001
It took me forever to find these files. So if anybody is interested in downloading all four of the songs Stephen Moore recorded starring Marvin the Paranoid Android from the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you'll find them here.
Friday, July 27, 2001
Monday, July 23, 2001
Friday, July 20, 2001
Friday, July 13, 2001
Watching Much Music this week, and hearing news of yet another fight between opposing "hip-hop" (my brother assures me this is what they are, but I'm not up with the lingo, or "hip to the jive" if you will) artists (which ones, I don't remember, I wasn't paying careful attention. But does it even matter?), I realized (now, this did not take a lot of thought) (this is another set of parentheses just for fun) that there is quite obviously an extreme over-population of the species, resulting in most of the recent violent behaviour. Each family group of these artists occupies an extensive territorial range, and will not tolerate intrusion by other family groups (i.e. "East Side" vs. "West Side").
This is why I propose an open hunting season on hip-hop artists and their gangs (or "clans," "posses," etc). Their numbers must be evened out to balance the ecosystem of popular music. By instigating a controlled culling, perhaps a better level sustainability can be attained in the environment between hip-hop artists, and artists of all other musical styles. If the population is allowed to swell further, it could have a negative impact on other species, most particularly the "boy-band" and "girl-band" populations, which compete for the same spotlight. Planned herd management to control the recent population boom will additionally prevent random outburts of violence, resulting in safer clubbing for all. The ecosystem can only support a certain number of P. Diddys...
This is why I propose an open hunting season on hip-hop artists and their gangs (or "clans," "posses," etc). Their numbers must be evened out to balance the ecosystem of popular music. By instigating a controlled culling, perhaps a better level sustainability can be attained in the environment between hip-hop artists, and artists of all other musical styles. If the population is allowed to swell further, it could have a negative impact on other species, most particularly the "boy-band" and "girl-band" populations, which compete for the same spotlight. Planned herd management to control the recent population boom will additionally prevent random outburts of violence, resulting in safer clubbing for all. The ecosystem can only support a certain number of P. Diddys...
Wednesday, July 11, 2001
Tuesday, July 10, 2001
Okay, that's it... This cost $500, if I've got it straight... It makes me very angry to see people do things badly and get paid way too much for it, only because I'm not doing the same thing...
Monday, July 09, 2001
Real life needs more foreshadowing.
Harry Potter has some of the worst foreshadowing of any book I have ever read. It's so obvious. Couldn't be much more so by putting the end of the book at the beginning. Sure, it's a kids book. But that isn't any excuse for such bad writing. I really can't see what's so great about the series (maybe I'll ask my little brother). It's written in a style that reminds me of my own. In grade three. Except that some of my jokes were funny. The ones in Harry Potter get about halfway, which is more pathetic than having none at all. But if that's what becomes a bestseller, um, that's it... I'm becoming a writer...
I need to get to a library, in order to find something better to read than my little brother's copy of Harry Potter. The universe apparently wants me to read Vonnegut. I'll do it, okay? All eight of you can shut up about it now... Guh.
I have a strange urge to watch "Biodome" right now. Is there something necessarily wrong with me?
Harry Potter has some of the worst foreshadowing of any book I have ever read. It's so obvious. Couldn't be much more so by putting the end of the book at the beginning. Sure, it's a kids book. But that isn't any excuse for such bad writing. I really can't see what's so great about the series (maybe I'll ask my little brother). It's written in a style that reminds me of my own. In grade three. Except that some of my jokes were funny. The ones in Harry Potter get about halfway, which is more pathetic than having none at all. But if that's what becomes a bestseller, um, that's it... I'm becoming a writer...
I need to get to a library, in order to find something better to read than my little brother's copy of Harry Potter. The universe apparently wants me to read Vonnegut. I'll do it, okay? All eight of you can shut up about it now... Guh.
I have a strange urge to watch "Biodome" right now. Is there something necessarily wrong with me?
Personally, I think the line in that Depeche Mode "Dream On" song would be better if they changed "giving" to "given." Not that you can tell the difference.
I had some problems with the phrase "dating the sphinx" tonight. I couldn't figure out for a good five minutes that it meant figuring out how old it was. I need to get to sleep, I think.
Anyway. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to make myself a lovely website. That looks like the rest of the internet. With lots of little tables outlined with one-pixel-wide white borders on a dark (but never black) background. And grid patterns layered onto all of my graphics. And a navigation bar with little white-all-capital-helvetica links. Guh. And a monochromatic colour scheme. And then I'm going to bang my head against a brick wall. So maybe it's pretty. I hate it, though. And I'm going to scream in a minute, if I see one more of these. I'd link to some, but I don't think anyone needs help finding one.
I had some problems with the phrase "dating the sphinx" tonight. I couldn't figure out for a good five minutes that it meant figuring out how old it was. I need to get to sleep, I think.
Anyway. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to make myself a lovely website. That looks like the rest of the internet. With lots of little tables outlined with one-pixel-wide white borders on a dark (but never black) background. And grid patterns layered onto all of my graphics. And a navigation bar with little white-all-capital-helvetica links. Guh. And a monochromatic colour scheme. And then I'm going to bang my head against a brick wall. So maybe it's pretty. I hate it, though. And I'm going to scream in a minute, if I see one more of these. I'd link to some, but I don't think anyone needs help finding one.
Tuesday, July 03, 2001
Multiple choice.
This is very easy.
Name this object:
a) file
b) folder
If you can't figure it out, these two sentences may help you.
Which of these is correct:
a) I am going to put my file into this file.
b) I am going to put my file into this folder.
If you still don't know which answer is correct, I'm afraid you will be removed from this planet immediately.
Along with anyone who pronounces GIF with a J.
This is very easy.
Name this object:

a) file
b) folder
If you can't figure it out, these two sentences may help you.
Which of these is correct:
a) I am going to put my file into this file.
b) I am going to put my file into this folder.
If you still don't know which answer is correct, I'm afraid you will be removed from this planet immediately.
Along with anyone who pronounces GIF with a J.
Sunday, July 01, 2001
Friday, June 29, 2001
Cool Whip: an edible oil product!
Yeah, that's probably what I would use as one of my big selling points if I was in charge of marketing at Kraft.
Why would anybody see this written on the tub and follow through with the purchase?
Oh yeah. I got my Tim Horton's job. Woo... I'm so SO happy about that. I really am. Really. Dammit. Gotta get my uniform on Monday. They don't come in my size. I had better invest in a belt. eee.
Yeah, that's probably what I would use as one of my big selling points if I was in charge of marketing at Kraft.
Why would anybody see this written on the tub and follow through with the purchase?
Oh yeah. I got my Tim Horton's job. Woo... I'm so SO happy about that. I really am. Really. Dammit. Gotta get my uniform on Monday. They don't come in my size. I had better invest in a belt. eee.
Thursday, June 28, 2001
Monday, June 25, 2001
Sunday, June 24, 2001
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Bad pictures of me from formal: one, two.
The snarky look on my face is due to the fact that I'd seen the photographer's work before. Done by the same morons who do my school's student cards and yearbooks. Badly. Notice that the pictures are blurry... But these are better than average, which is sad. Jostens is crap. I've seen better pictures of the insied of my camera case than I've seen in my yearbook. Which comes out in the fall, by the way, what the hell is up with that?
La dee da. I might mention that these photos contain, from left to right, Mark, Sarah, me and Leslie.
I might also mention that I do, in fact, have two legs.
The snarky look on my face is due to the fact that I'd seen the photographer's work before. Done by the same morons who do my school's student cards and yearbooks. Badly. Notice that the pictures are blurry... But these are better than average, which is sad. Jostens is crap. I've seen better pictures of the insied of my camera case than I've seen in my yearbook. Which comes out in the fall, by the way, what the hell is up with that?
La dee da. I might mention that these photos contain, from left to right, Mark, Sarah, me and Leslie.
I might also mention that I do, in fact, have two legs.
Monday, June 18, 2001
Difference between ICQ users and AIM users:
ICQ - send / receive / send / receive / send / receive / send / receive / ...
AIM - send / receive / send / send / send / receive / send / receive / receive / receive / receive / receive / send / send / receive / send / send / send / send / send / send / send
ICQ - send / receive / send / receive / send / receive / send / receive / ...
AIM - send / receive / send / send / send / receive / send / receive / receive / receive / receive / receive / send / send / receive / send / send / send / send / send / send / send
Okay, bastard attention starved windows... Why can't you understand that just because you're done doing something, it doesn't mean that I want to look at it immediately. Especially you, AIM. You have quite the inflated sense of self importance. Great, somebody new is trying to talk to me. Isn't enough that you make the task-bar flash and scare the shit out of me with your wave files? It isn't really necessary to pop the window up, causing me to type the end of whatever sentence I'm in the middle of in the "send" box, and to send it to some random loser who can't spell "you're" and who desperately wants to know my "asl" and "wassup sexy?"
My computer ought to get a better sense of my priorities. Meaning that... whatever I'm doing, I intend to keep doing it until I'm done doing it. Not until Internet Explorer feels that it's being neglected. Fucking impatient applications. One of these days, I will be able to successfully open my Start Menu to get to the 18th level where the program I want to run is hidden, without something performing an illegal operation and forcing me to start all over again. One day...
My computer ought to get a better sense of my priorities. Meaning that... whatever I'm doing, I intend to keep doing it until I'm done doing it. Not until Internet Explorer feels that it's being neglected. Fucking impatient applications. One of these days, I will be able to successfully open my Start Menu to get to the 18th level where the program I want to run is hidden, without something performing an illegal operation and forcing me to start all over again. One day...
Sunday, June 17, 2001
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